7th CPC Military Brochure – House Building Advance

7th CPC Military Brochure – House Building Advance


House Building Adv

 Recommended ceilings as per 7th CPC report are as under:-

(a) 34 times Basic Pay or Rs 25 Lakh or anticipated price of house, whichever is least.

(b) The requirement of minimum 10 years of continuous service to avail of HBA should be reduced to 5 years.

(c) If both spouses are government servants, HBA should be admissible to both separately.

(d) Existing employees who have already taken. Home Loans from banks and other financial institutions should be allowed to migrate to this scheme.

Auth : MoD letter No 15(1)/2009/D(Pay/Services) dated 24 Jul 2009. 7th CPC auth awaited.



Also Read : 7th pay commission brochure for Military personnel 

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