Application for booking 


1.     Incomplete  applications  :  The  applications  incomplete  in  any  respect,  or  not accompanied  with  Demand  Draft  or  not  bearing  the  full  amount  of  lodging  charges, will be summarily rejected and returned by ordinary post.


2.     Applications  not  verified  by  the  Administrative  Division  :  Such  applications  will not be entertained.  


3.     Retired  government  servants:  Retired  Government  servants  willing  to  avail  the Holiday  Home  facilities  should  enclose  self  attested  copy  of  the  PPO.  Retired government  servants  can  be  provided  accommodation  in  Touring  Officers’  Hostels, after meeting the requirement of touring  and serving  officers, on charges applicable to private persons.


4.     Issue  of  Booking  confirmation  slips  :  The  applicants  should  collect  the  Booking slips  from  the  office  of  the  allotting  authority  themselves.    Otherwise,  the  Allotting Authority  will dispatch  the  booking slip by  ordinary  post, at the risk of the  applicant. The Allotting authority shall not be responsible for their loss or delay in delivery by the postal  authorities.    Therefore,  applicants  are  advised  to  enclose  a  self  addressed, sufficiently stamped envelope to receive the booking slip. Confirmation in respect of online  applications  will  however  not  be  despatched  as  these  can  be  downloaded online by quoting booking request ID and I.D. Card no.


5.     Priority  in  Booking  :  Ordinarily,  the  booking  is  released  on  ‘first-come  first-served’ basis.    However,  the  Allotting  authority  has  a  right  to  assign  priority  in  booking  in following order :


a.  Sitting Member of Parliament

b.  Central Govt. employees (on official visits)

c.  Serving Central Govt. employee (on leave, LTC or personal visits)

d.  State/PSU employees (on duty/leave)

e.  Others


6.     Emergency Quota : The Allotting Authority is authorized to keep any room in reserve to  meet  urgent  requirements  of  unforeseen  nature  or  to  accommodate  VIPs  and/or Senior  Officers.    The  Allotting  Authority  is  empowered  to  reduce  the  period  of booking, or to cancel the booking altogether, or change the previously booked room, to meet such emergent requirements.


7.     Touring  Officers’  Hostels  :  These  hostels  are  meant  primarily  to  facilitate  the visiting  officers  during  their  official  journeys.      Therefore,  the  priority  for  booking  in Touring officers’ Hostels is given to such officers.  However, rooms remaining vacant after  fulfilling  the  requirement  of  touring  officers,  can  be  made  available  to accommodate  the  Government  employees  during  their  visit  to  outstations  on  LTC, leave, etc.


8.     AC  Rooms  :  For  AC rooms, the AC charges, wherever prescribed, will be charged  even if guests choose not to make use of the Air-conditioners.


9.     Rooms not occupied after Confirmed booking : After the confirmed booking, if the room/suite  remains  unoccupied  for  a  period  exceeding  two  days,  the  booking  shall stand cancelled. The Allotting authority is empowered to allow such room/suite to be occupied by other guests.


10.   Refunds  :  There  is  no  provision  for  refund  of  reservation  charges  even  if  the accommodation  is  not  occupied  or  partly  occupied  or  vacated  early.  No correspondence  regarding  refund  of  booking  charges  will  be  entertained.  Demand drafts,  erroneously  prepared  in  excess  of  the  payable  charges,  should  be  replaced before  the  release  of  booking.    Such  excess  payment  will  not  be  refunded  after depositing of the Demand draft in Government treasury.


11.   Booking  of  Additional  room:  Only  one  room/suite  will  be  booked  in  the  name  of one  Government  servant/family.  Additional  room/suite  will  be  allotted,  subject  to availability,  on  payment  of  rent,  applicable  to  private  persons,  in  exceptional circumstances, at the sole discretion of the Allotting Authority. However, there will be no advanced reservation of additional rooms.


12.   Official  Tour:  The  booking  on  grounds  of  official  visits  will  be  made  only  on furnishing of a copy of the city-wise tour program or a certificate from the Controlling authority, indicating clearly the duration of the tour program. In the absence of such a certificate, the rates applicable as on personal visit will be charged.


13.   Booking in Holiday Homes/Hostels to officers on Transfer : The officers joining on transfer/posting at a new station, will not be treated as on official tour, and will not be treated  at  par  with  touring  officers.  Accordingly,  they  will  not  be  entitled  to  avail  the lodging  facility  in  Holiday  Homes/Hostels  at  the  rates  applicable  to  touring  officers, but on rates applicable as on personal visit.


14.   Period of booking: Accommodation is provided for a period not exceeding 10 nights (5  nights  in  season  period).  In  Holiday  Homes/Guest  Houses  like  Mussurie,  Goa, Udaipur, etc. which have very few units but  attract visitors throughout the year, the period of stay has further been restricted to 3 nights maximum. In exceptional cases, accommodation in excess of this limit can be permitted with the prior approval of the Deputy  Director,  Directorate  of  Estates,  New  Delhi,  wherever  necessary,  will  obtain orders of the Director of Estates. 


15.   Advance  payment  of  room  rent  :  The  Allotting  authority  is  not  obliged  to  provide accommodation  in  holiday  home/hostel  in  cases  where  the  applicant  has  not  made advance payment of the room rent, along with the application form. 




16.   Only  online  applications  shall  be  entertained    for  advance  reservation    for  holiday homes  where    online  facility  has  been  commenced.    Offline  requests  for  advance reservation  in such holiday homes will be summarily rejected.


17.   Application  will  be  considered  for  confirmation  only  after  receipt  of  hard  copy  with requisite Demand draft, complete in all respects.  Incomplete/unverified applications will not be entertained. Confirmation will be subject to availability.


18.   Applications received after 10 days (including holidays)  from the date of registration are  liable  to  lose  priority,  assigned  by  Booking  Request  ID.    Applications  although registered but not received with DD within 20 days from the date of registration will be removed from the list of applicants.


19.   Requests  for  Refunds/postponements  after  confirmation  of  booking,  shall  not  be entertained.





20.   Check-out time : 9 AM ; Check-in time:  11 AM to 12:00 noon.  However, to avoid inconvenience  to  the  visitors  who  reach  the  destination  early  in  the  morning  after night journeys, the occupants are advised to vacate the rooms at the earliest on the last day of stay.


21.   Right to Admission: The entry to the Holiday Home/Touring Officers’ Hostels will be strictly  on  production  of  valid  Identity  Card  issued  by  the  Government  and  the booking  slip  issued  by  the  Allotting  Authority.    Occupation  of  room  without  booking slip/authority slip is not permitted.


22.   Booking  not  transferable:  Because  of  security  considerations,  the  entry  to  the Holiday  Home/Hostel  will  be  restricted  to  the  person  whose  name  appears  on  the booking  slip,  and  his/her  dependent  family  members.    The  caretaking  staff  is authorized  to  disallow  provision  of  accommodation  if  the  applicant  is  not  present physically at the time of checking in, even though he is carrying the  confirmation slip.  Likewise the entry of the additional persons accompanying the authorized visitor can also be refused


23.   Dependent  family  members:  if  not  accompanying  the  Government  servant,  they must carry alongwith confirmation letter, (a) a photocopy of the Government servant’s Identity  card,  (b)  proof  of  their  own  identity  specifying  their  relationship  with  the government  servant,    and  (c)  Certificate  of  Dependence  issued  by  administrative authority  of  the  applicant. Attested  copy  of  the  CGHS  card  containing  their photographs can also be accepted for applicants covered under  CGHS scheme.


24.   Retired  Government  servants  availing  the  facility  of  Holiday  homes:  As  the entries in the Check-in/Arrivals Register are to be made by the Retired Government servant in their own writing, the presence of retired government servant  is necessary at the time of checking in.   A photocopy of the PPO should also be presented at the time of checking in.


25.   Number  of  guests:    The  occupation  of  more  than  4  persons  (2  Adults  and  2 children) in the double-bedded rooms is not permitted.  The caretaking staff has been directed  not  to  allow  entry  or  provide  service  to  the  additional  persons  over  and above the prescribed limit. 


26.   Visitors  without  Identity  Card:  Visitors  carrying  the  booking  slip  but  not  carrying valid  identity  card  issued  by  the  Government,  at  the  time  of  checking  in,  will  be treated as private persons, and will be levied lodging charges as such.


During Stay 


27.   Facilities  :  The  caretaking  staff  will  provide  to  the  guests  the  following  items  only once at the time of occupation of the rooms :  toilet soap (small) – one, washed towel – one, washed bed-sheet/bed-cover – one set, washed pillow covers – one set, fresh toilet-paper  roll.    The  guests  are  advised  to  make  their  own  arrangement  for additional needs as per their requirement.


28.   Occupation  after  booking  period  :  Unless  extended  by  the  Allotting  Authority  in writing,    the  occupation  of  the  room,  after  expiry  of  the  booking  period,  will  be unauthorized.    Such  occupant(s)  are  liable  to  face  eviction  by  the  caretaking  staff without any prior notice, and imposition of damages. 


29.   Washing charges : The caretaker is authorized to charge washing charges @ Rs.15 per day per room from the occupants and issue receipt.  The fund so collected will be kept  in  the  custody  of  the  JE  concerned  with  maintenance  of  the  Holiday Home/Hostel,  and  will  be  used  for  washing  the  towels,  bed-sheets,  curtains,  quilts periodically. 


30.   Catering  facility:  The  catering  charges  wherever  available  will  be  settled  by  the guests  with  the  caterer  of  the  Holiday  Home/household  staff  directly  before  check-out.


31.   Feed-back  :  Any  complaints/suggestions  regarding  maintenance,  house-keeping, catering or misconduct on part of the caretaking staff should be brought to the notice of the Director of Estates, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, and/or the Allotting Authority in writing.


32.   Cooking is strictly prohibited in the rooms of Holiday Homes/Hostels. 33. Proper  decorum  :  The  Guests  are  advised  to  maintain  decency  and  decorum throughout  the  stay  period.    Causing  inconvenience/disturbance  to  other  inmates through  noise  or  rowdy  behaviour  will  be  dealt  with  sternly.  Consumption of intoxicants in the premises is strictly prohibited. 



34.   Pets are not allowed in the Holiday Homes/Touring Hostels.


35.   Damage to property : The occupants will be liable to make good any damage/loss to property,  fixture,  fittings  and  furniture  during  the  period  of  their  stay  in  the  Holiday Home/Hostel. 


36.   Visitors  of  the  Guests  :  No  unauthorized  person(s)  will  be  allowed  to  stay  with  or visit the Guests in the hostel/Holiday Home after 10 pm.


37.   Breach of conditions : In case, the accommodation is not vacated on the expiry of the period or for breach of any terms and conditions stated above, the occupants will be  summarily  evicted  physically,  with  force  if  necessary,  without  any  notice,  under Section  3-A  of  the  Public  Premises  (Eviction  of  Unauthorized  Occupants)  Act  of 1971, notwithstanding any other action that may be taken against him/her under the relevant  Allotment  Rules/Service  Rules.  They  will  also  liable  to  pay  market  rate  of licence fee as damages. Common grounds for non-acceptance of applications for booking




The  application

has  not  been

made  in  the

prescribed  form,

and  forwarded

through  the

Admn. Division.


Demand  Draft

covering  full

amount  of  room

charges  has  not

been enclosed

Enclosed  Demand

Draft  does  not

contain full  amount

of room charges.


The payee’s name

has  not  been


correctly  in  the

Demand Draft.



Division  of  the

applicant  has  not

forwarded  the



Accommodation  is

not  available

during  the

requested period.




cannot  be  booked

for  more  than  5 

day  in  season

period. (Mussurie –

3 days)


The  applicant  is

not  entitled  to  VIP



The  application

has  not  been



Only  one  room  is

booked in favour of

a  Government

employee  and/or

his/her  family.


There  are  no  AC

rooms  /  4-bed

room/    dormitory

rooms  in  this

Holiday  Home/

Touring  hostel,  as



No  guest

accomm.  at  the

disposal  of  this

office,  in  the  city

for  which  booking

has been sought.


The  application

has  been  recd

very  late.  The

period  of  booking

has  already



Copy  of  PPO  has

not been enclosed.


A  certified  copy  of

the  Tour  program

containing  the

period  of  tour  and

the  city,  not




This  office  is  not

the  Allotting

Authority  for  the




The  Application

may    be  sent

directly  to  the


Allotting  Authority

as  mentioned  in

the  website





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