Production Linked Bonus for Railway Employees The Union Cabinet has accepted the proposal of the Ministry of Railways for payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78 days` wages for the financial year 2010-2011 for all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees. The financial implication of payment of 78 days` PLB to railway employees has been […]
Central government staff to get bonus
Central government staff to get bonus Ahead of the festival season, the Government today announced an ad-hoc bonus of up to Rs 3,500 to Group C and D central government employees and personnel of the armed and para military forces. The government has sanctioned grant of non-productivity linked bonus (ad-hoc bonus) equivalent to 30 days […]
Railway employees will get 77 days Productivity Linked Bonus
Railway employees will get 77 days Productivity Linked Bonus The Union Cabinet has approved to award 77 days Productivity Linked Bonus to Non-gazetted Railway Employees for the year of 2009-10. News just came in that Union Cabined decided to award 77 days’ productivity linked bonus for Financial Year 2009-10 to non gazetted Railway Employees. The […]
THIS INFORMATION PUBLISHED BY NFPE Department of Posts has released order today for 60 days Bonus for regular employees as well as for Gramin Dak Sewak subject to the ceiling of Rs. 3500/- and Rs.2500/- respectively.