Regarding Travelling Allowance Rules, 1971 – Rajasthan G.O GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN FINANCE DEPARTMENT (RULES DIVISION) No. F.6(3)FD/Rules/2012 Jaipur, Dated : 20th July,2018 ORDER Sub: Amendment in the Rajasthan Travelling Allowance Rules, 1971 In exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 42 of the Rajasthan Service Rules, the Governor is hereby pleased to make the following […]
G.O of Rajasthan – Revision of pension of pre-01.01.2016 State pensioners/ family pensioner
G.O of Rajasthan – Revision of pension of pre-01.01.2016 State pensioners/ family pensioner GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN FINANCE DEPARTMENT (RULES DIVISION) Memorandum No.F.12(6)FD/Rules/2017 Pt.I Jaipur,dated: 18 JUL 2018 Subject:- Revision of pension of pre-01.01.2016 State pensioners/ family pensioner etc. The Governor is pleased to order that existing para 16 of Finance Department Memorandum of even number […]
Grant of Dearness Relief to Rajasthan Government Pensioners.
Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government Pensioners. GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN FINANCE DEPARTMENT (RULES DIVISION) No.F.12(3)FD(Rules)/2013 Jaipur ORDER 13 APR 2016 Subject: Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government Pensioners. The Governor is pleased to order that the existing rate of Dearness Relief sanctioned vide Finance Department Order of even number dated 16-09-2015 to the […]
Grant of Dearness Allowance 113% to 119% with effect from 01-07-2015 to State Government employees
Grant of Dearness Allowance 113% to 119% with effect from 01-07-2015 to State Government employees GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN FINANCE DEPARTMENT (RULES DIVISION) No. F. 6(1) FD (Rules)/2008 Jaipur, dated : 16-09-2015 ORDER Sub:- Grant of Dearness Allowance to State Government employees. The Governor is pleased to order that the existing rate of Dearness Allowance payable […]
Rajasthan govt Da orders July 2013
Rajasthan govt Da orders July 2013 GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN FINANCE DEPARTMENT (RULES DIVISION) No. F. 6(1)FD(Rules)/2008 Jaipur, dated :21-09-2013 ORDER Sub:- Grant of Dearness Allowance to State Government employees. The Governor is pleased to order that the existing rate of Dearness Allowance payable to the State Government employees, drawing pay in Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised […]