G.O of Rajasthan – Revision of pension of pre-01.01.2016 State pensioners/ family pensioner
No.F.12(6)FD/Rules/2017 Pt.I
Jaipur,dated: 18 JUL 2018
Subject:- Revision of pension of pre-01.01.2016 State pensioners/ family pensioner etc.
The Governor is pleased to order that existing para 16 of Finance Department Memorandum of even number dated 06.06.2018 shall be modified as under :-
16 (1)The pensioners/family pensioners who retired/died before 01.01.1991 and all pensioners/family pensioners who are drawing pension outside the State shall make request to the Director, Pension/ Additional Director, Pension and Pensioners Welfare Department, Rajasthan in the revised Performa enclosed with this order as Appendix āEā.
(2)The pensioner/family pensioner who retired/died on or after 01.01.1991 shall make request to concerned Treasury Officer of the District from where he retired.
(3)The Treasury officer of the district is authorized to revise PPO/FPPO on behalf of concerned Additional Director of the Pension and. Pensioners Welfare Department and to sign the revised PPO/FPPO as Assistant Director of the office of the concerned Joint Director, Pension and Pensioners Welfare Department in relaxation of the provision of Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996.
(4)The Treasury Officer of the District shall sign the revised PPO/FPPO only after it is pre audited by the another team of revision of pension/family pension.
(5)In case the application for revision of pension/family pension is submitted by the pensioner in the district other than from where his PPO/FPPO was issued than the treasury officer shall forward his application to the concerned Additional Director, Pension and Pensioners Welfare Department and Pensioner/Family Pensioner shall be intimated accordingly. In such cases revised PPO/FPPO shall be issued by the office of the Additional Director concerned.
(6) It shall be responsibility of the Pension Revision Authority to revise the pension/family pension of pre 2016 pensioners/family pensioners with effect from 01.01.2016 in accordance with these orders and to issue a revised pension payment order on priority basis. The revised authority of PPO/FPPO will be issued under the existing PPO/FPPO Number.
By Order of the Governor.
(Manju Rajpal)
Secretary, Finance (Budget)
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