Dynamic ACP Scheme for the officers of the Indian Railway Medical Service

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) S.No.PC-VI/214 No.PC-V/2008/ACP/2 RBE No.96 /2010 New Delhi, dated 7.7.2010 The General Manager/OSDs/CAO(R) All Indian Railways & PUs . (As per mailing list) Sub: Dynamic ACP Scheme for the officers of the Indian Railway Medical Service          With reference to Board’s letter of even number dated 7.1.2009 on … Read more

Free Rail Travel Facility for Freedom Fighters Now Extended in Rajdhani/Shatabdi Trains Also

In a gesture of honour to the freedom fighters, the Ministry of Railways has decided that 1st Class/2nd AC Complimentary Card Passes issued to freedom fighters/their widows will also be valid for travel in 3rd AC of Rajdhhani trains and Chair Car of Shatabdi/Jan-Shatabdi express trains along with a companion in same class, in addition … Read more

Fixed Medical Allowance of Railway Pensioners/ Family Pensiones Raised w.e.f 01-09-2008.

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) S.No.PC-VI/211 No.PC-V/2010/A/Med./1 RBE No.92/2010 New Delhi, dated 29-06-2010 The General Manager All Indian Railways & PUs (As per mailing list) Subject:- Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Railway pensioners/family pensioners-regarding. In pursuance of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission, instructions … Read more