Regarding the creation of non-gazetted revenue posts (crew only) on Railways. Previously, there was a ban on creating new posts without the approval of the Department of Expenditure
Enhanced Reimbursement of CEA for Divyang Children
Regarding the reimbursement of Children Education Allowance (CEA) to railway servants who have children with disabilities (Divyang Children)
Fill 25% Direct Recruitment Quota Vacancies in Safety Categories – GDCE
Regarding General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up 25% of the Direct Recruitment Quota vacancies
Biometric Attendance and Aadhar-based Authentication for Railway Staff
Railway Board, has issued a circular regarding the implementation of a Biometric Attendance System and Aadhar-based authentication for railway employees
Updated Timelines for APAR Finalization: 2022-2023
Railway Board has issued a notification regarding the extension of timelines for the completion of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APAR) for the year 2022-2023