Submission of Claims: Ensure to submit your claims in the prescribed proforma for grant of pension/gratuity/commutation/revision to your Head of Office well in advance so that the Pension Payment Order (PPO) reaches you through your Head of Office before your retirement. Remember that the processing, verification and authorization of these claims may involve several levels […]
Free Rail Travel Facility for Freedom Fighters Now Extended in Rajdhani/Shatabdi Trains Also
In a gesture of honour to the freedom fighters, the Ministry of Railways has decided that 1st Class/2nd AC Complimentary Card Passes issued to freedom fighters/their widows will also be valid for travel in 3rd AC of Rajdhhani trains and Chair Car of Shatabdi/Jan-Shatabdi express trains along with a companion in same class, in addition […]
Supreme Court denies disability pension to army Major
The Supreme Court (SC) has upheld the constitutional validity of a regulation in military service rules that ensures disability pension only to those personnel of fighting forces who are invalided due to physical ailments caused by inhospitable service conditions.Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Ajai Wahi, who suffers from acute bronchitis, had sought disability pension even though he […]
NHRC recommends Rs. 50 thousand monetary relief in a case of delayed pension in U.P.; Authorities took 11 years to decide the pension only after the death of the employee
NHRC recommends Rs. 50 thousand monetary relief in a case of delayed pension in U.P.; Authorities took 11 years to decide the pension only after the death of the employee New Delhi, July 6th, 2010 One can be so apathetic to the concerns of a fellow employee was only perhaps heard of. But Mrs. Champa […]
Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension or pension in the pre-revised scale of 5th CPC w.e.f. 1.1.2010.
F. No. 42/18/2010-P&PW(G) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003 Date: 29th June 2010 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners who are in receipt of provisional pension or pension […]