New Circulars Regarding CSC – pcdapension orders

New Circulars Regarding CSC Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries 2012 on the issues related to Defence Services Personnel and Ex Servicemen – Improvement in pension of JCOs/ORs of Armed Forces retired / discharged /invalided out of service prior to 01.01.2006.—- click here Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations … Read more

Government Orders on Cabinet Decision on Pensionary Benefits to Ex-Servicemen to be Issued Next Month

Government Orders on Cabinet Decision on Pensionary Benefits to Ex-Servicemen to be Issued Next Month Describing the twin tasks of improving the pensionary and medical benefits for ex-servicemen as ‘subjects of prime concern’ and ‘as an ongoing process’, the Defence Minister Shri AK Antony today announced that the orders authorizing payment to ex-servicemen and their … Read more

One-Rank-One-Pension-news on 12 December 2012

One-Rank-One-PensionGovernment constituted a Committee in July, 2012, headed by Cabinet Secretary for looking into the pay and pension related issues of relevance to Defence service personnel and Ex-servicemen. The Committee submitted its report on issues namely OROP-Bridging the gap in pension, Enhancement of family pension, Dual Family Pension and Family pension to mentally / physically … Read more

Decision on one rank one pension scheme-

GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF  DEFENCERAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO-1296ANSWERED ON-05.12.2012 Decision on one rank one pension scheme   1296 .    SHRI PRAKASH KESHAV JAVADKARHUSSAIN DALWAI (a) whether Government has taken any decision regarding the demand of ‘one rank one pension’ for the ex-servicemen; (b) if so, the details thereof; (c) if not, the reasons therefor; … Read more

Grievance of EX-Servicemen

Grievance of EX-Servicemen In view of the persistent demand from the Ex-servicemen and their associations, Government constituted a committee headed by Cabinet Secretary in July, 2012 to look into the Pay & Pension related    issues of Armed Forces personnel & ex-servicemen. The Committee submitted its report dated 17.08.2012 on pension issues, which has been accepted … Read more