AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE 19TH MEETING OF STANDING COMMITTEE OF VOLUNTARY AGENCIES (SECOVA) ON 20.9.2010. Sl. No. Agenda items for Central pension Accounting Office (CPAO) 1. Issue of Corrigendum PPO for Pre-2006 retirees. While the need for issuance of corrigendum PPO was accepted and implemented for Post-Jan 2006 retirees, the Pre-Jan 2006 cases were left […]
REFRESH RULING KNOWLEDGE FOR CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES… 1. Whether the divisional superintendent who is a witness or a party in the can case issue charge sheet to an employee, to whom he is disciplinary authority? No. In such cases an adhoc disciplinary authority must be appointed. 2. Whether any punishment can be imposed with retrospective […]
Tamil Nadu Government Employees – General Provident Fund (TN) Rules 1991
Tamil Nadu Government Employees – General Provident Fund Rules The GPF subscription of an employee of the Government of Tamil Nadu is governed by the GPF (TN) Rules, 1991. 1. What constitutes ‘Family’ for the purpose of GPF Rules? Spouse, Parents, children, minor brothers, unmarried sisters, deceased son’s widow and children and if no Parent […]
Minutes of the 46th Ordinary Meeting of the National Council (JCM) held on 15th May, 2010.
NO. 3/2/2009-JCAGovernment of IndiaMinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances and PensionsDepartment of personal&TrainingJCA Section North Block, New DelhiDated: 7th July, 2010. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Minutes of the 46th Ordinary Meeting of the National Council (JCM) held on 15th May, 2010. The undersigned is directed to forward a copy of the minutes of the 46th Ordinary Meeting […]
Know your taxes to save better
Filing tax returns is an essential task for anyone whose income crosses the basic exemption limit. In order to minimize the tax impact on your income, tax planning is essential and for the same, it is essential to keep a track of the latest developments as it will help you plan your investments wisely. The […]