The extension applies to all administrative Ministries/Departments and requests them to take note of the relaxation and take further necessary action in this regard.
Dopt Orders 2023 | Department of Personnel & Training
Importance of Earmarking 2.5% of Salary Budget for Training and Capacity Building
The Department of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances, and Pension of the Government of India has issued an office memorandum on earmarking at least 2.5% of the salary budget for training and capacity building.
Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021: Sharing of Family Pension Explained
The Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions of the Government of India has issued an Office Memorandum regarding the sharing of family pension under the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021.
CCSs Rules 2023 for Government Servants – Dopt Order
The Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 2023 have been announced by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.
Dr Jitendra Singh announces integration of pension portals to ensure ease of living for senior citizens
DoP&PW has decided that all the pension portals like Pension Disbursing Bank portals, ANUBHAV, CPENGRAMS, CGHS etc. will be integrated in a single portal called Integrated Pensioners’ Portal to ensure Ease of Living for the elder citizens