The Department of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances, and Pension of the Government of India has issued an office memorandum on earmarking at least 2.5% of the salary budget for training and capacity building. The National Training Policy, 2012, recommends that each Ministry/Department/Organization should set aside at least 2.5% of its salary budget for training. The memorandum refers to a notification by the Department of Expenditure, dated December 10, 2022, which amends Rule 8 of the Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1978, creating a new Object Head called “Training Expenses.” The memorandum is for the information and necessary action of all Ministries/Departments/Organizations under the Government of India.
Earmarking of at least 2.5% of Salary Budget for training and capacity building
No. T-16017/21/2022-TFA
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
(Training Division)
Old JNU Campus, New Delhi
Dated the 7th March, 2023
Sub: Earmarking of at least 2.5% of Salary Budget for training and capacity building – reg.
The undersigned is directed to say that the National Training Policy, 2012, inter alia. recommends that each Ministry / Department / Organization set aside at least 2.5%, of its salary budget tor training (para 9.2 of NTP, 2072 refers).
- In this regard, attention is drawn to the D/o Expenditure’s Notification dated 10th December, 2022 copy enclosed) conveying hereby amendment to Rule 8 of the Delegation of Financial power Rules, 1978, vide which a new Object Head, namely, ‘Training Expenses’ has been created.
- This is for Information and necessary action of all Ministries / Departments / Organizations under Government of India.
- Hindi version of this OM will follow.
Encl: As above
Signed by Dasari Rameeh Babu
Date: O7-03-2023 15:15:54
Reason : Approved
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
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