Holiday on 25th December 2020 for Christmas

Merry Christmas 2020

Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis of their religion. Popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive.

Holiday on 20th November 2020 for Chhath Puja

Happy Chhath Puja 2020

The rituals of the festival are rigorous and are observed over a period of four days. The third day, known as Chhath, is considered the main day of the festival. People include holy bathing, fasting and abstaining from drinking water, standing in water for long periods of time, and offering prashad and arghya to the setting and rising sun.

Holiday on October 30, 2020 forĀ Milad un-Nabi/Id-e-Milad

Holiday on October 30, 2020 forĀ  Milad un-Nabi_Id-e-Milad

During Mawlid celebrations, the national flag is hoisted on all public buildings, and a 31-gun salute in Islamabad and a 21-gun salute at the provincial headquarters are fired at dawn. Hundreds of thousands of people gather at Minar-e-Pakistan Lahore between the intervening night of 11th and 12th Rabi’ al-awwal for Mawlid celebrations, this is the worlds biggest gathering for Mawlid celebrations.