Allowing vigilance functionaries on deputation to CPSEs the option to draw pay either in the CPSEs pay scale or pay in the parent cadre

The Cabinet has approved the proposal of the Department of Public Enterprises to the effect that CVOs and other officers on deputation to the Vigilance Departments of CPSEs may be allowed the option of electing to draw either the pay in the scale of pay of the CPSE concerned or pay in the parent cadre … Read more

Tamil Nadu Government Employees – General Provident Fund (TN) Rules 1991

Tamil Nadu Government Employees – General Provident Fund Rules The GPF subscription of an employee of the Government of Tamil Nadu is governed by the GPF (TN) Rules, 1991. 1. What constitutes ‘Family’ for the purpose of GPF Rules? Spouse, Parents, children, minor brothers, unmarried sisters, deceased son’s widow and children and if no Parent … Read more

Consent of employee must for Deputation

Deputation in government service can only be with the consent of the employee, the Gujarat High Court has ruled. Baldev Chauhan, a technical assistant had sought the intervention of the court to declare his deputation order passed by the District Development Officer (DDO) as illegal and arbitrary. Justice KS Jhaveri ruled that the petitioner was … Read more

PSU staff may get 10% extra for rural stint

Officials of state-owned companies could get a special allowance if they agree to serve in far-flung areas, helping companies expand operations and banks to reach their services to under-banked areas. The special allowance will amount to 10% of the basic pay, according to a proposal worked out by the department of public enterprises, or DPE. … Read more