Deferment/postponement of the proposed indefinite strike by Defence Civilian Employees ALL INDIA DEFENCE EMPLOYEES FEDERATION INDIAN NATIONAL DEFENCE WORKERS FEDERATION BHARATIYA PRATIRAKSHA MAZDOOR SANGH Ref:01/AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS/14 Date: 12/02/2014 Camp: New Delhi To The Defence Secretary, Ministry of Defence, South Block, New Delhi. Sub: Deferment/postponement of the proposed indefinite strike. Ref; 1) Strike Notice No.01/AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS14 Dt; 28/01/2014. […]
Compassionate Appointment
CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND WORKERS North Avenue Post office, Firstg floor New Delhi. 110 001. Website: confederationhq. E Dated: 4th Feb. 2014. EXPLANATORY NOTE ON DEMANDS Item No. 1. Revision of wage with effect from. 1.,01.2011. The present wage structure of the Central Govt. Employees has been made on the basis […]
Indefinite strike from 17th Feb 2014-Defence Federations (INDWF, AIDEF & BPMS)-Charter of Demands on Service, Policy & 7th CPC issues
INTUC INDIAN NATIONAL DEFENCE WORKERS FEDERATION INDWF/Strike/3001/2014 Dt. 28.01.2014 ToAll Affiliated Unions of INDWF Office Bearers & Working Committee Meeting of INDWF Sub. : Indefinite Strike Dear Colleagues, Three Recognised Defence Federations (INDWF, AIDEF & BPMS) have jointly decided and issued a Joint Declaration on 19.09.2013 to call for a Joint Agitation by the Defence […]
UNITED WE STAND, TOGETHER WE CONQUER Battle lines for a showdown of the Central Govt. Employees are drawn. Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers had served notice for 48 hours strike on 2014 February 12th & 13th, to Cabinet Secretary on 21st January 2014 alongwith 15 point Charter of demands. The demands raised by […]
Strike Ballot on pending demands-17th and 18th January, 2014.
Strike Ballot on pending demands-17th and 18th January, 2014. NFIR National Federation of Indian Raliwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHI -110055 Affiliated to: Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) No. II/95/Pt.V Dated: 23/12/2013 The General Secretaries of affiliated Unions of NFIR Brother, Sub: Strike Ballot on […]