7th Central Pay Commission-Confederation press statement

CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES & WORKERS (Central Head Quarters) 1st Floor, North Avenue Post office Building, New Delhi – 110001 Dated – 25.09.2013 PRESS STATEMENT Central Government has announced the constitution of 7th Central Pay Commission. Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers has been raising this demand before the Government right from 2011 … Read more

All India Conference of Confederation of Central Government Employees

RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED IN THE 24TH ALL INDIA CONFERENCE OF CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES HELD AT Kolkata- FROM 4th MAY to 6th MAY 2013. I. Resolutions moved by the Presidium: Following Resolutions was moved by the Presidium: Resolution on Food Security – moved by Com. Duraipandyan Resolution on FDI – moved by Com. Rajagopal Resolution … Read more

The Detailed Explanatory Note On 15 Points Of Charter Of Demands

1.7thPay Commission set up…|Revision of wage with effect from. 1.,01..2011 -click here 2.Merger of DA with pay- click here 3.5% ceiling on the compassionate appointments- click here…. 4.Absorption of GDS as regular postal employees- click here 5.Functioning of the JCM- click here 6.Remove the ban on recruitment and creation of posts -click here 7. Downsizing, … Read more

Introduction of PLB and removal of ceiling limit

Confederation of central government employees and workers |  explanatory note on demands POINT NO.9 Introduction of PLB and removal of ceiling limit. Barring the Railways, Defence production units and Postal Department, Bonus is paid to the Central Government employees on adhoc basis.  The 30 days adhoc bonus is the maximum that is provided to them.  … Read more

Absorption of GDS as regular postal employees

Confederation of central government employees and workers |  explanatory note on demands Point no.4 (a)Absorption of GDS as regular postal employees The postal Department employs the largest number of Government employees, next to Railways and Defence.   Nearly half of its workforce is called the Grameen Dak Sewaks, the new nomenclature given for the Extra  Departmental … Read more