Fixation of pay of ex-clerks of the Military Accounts Department on subsequent appointment on a temporary basis to clerical posts in civil offices of the Government of India No.F.6(38)-Est.III/50 Government of India Ministry of Finance New Delhi, the 20th September, 1952 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : Fixation of pay of ex-clerks of the Military Accounts Department […]
fixation of pay
Fixation of pay of Central and Provincial displaced Government Servants
Fixation of pay of Central and Provincial displaced Government Servants No.F.15(4)-Est.III/49 Government of India Ministry of Finance New Delhi, the 30th April, 1952 MEMORANDUM Subject :- Fixation of pay of Central and Provincial displaced Government Servants. The undersigned is directed to refer to the last sentence of para 2 of this Ministry’s Memorandum No.F.15(4) –Est.III/49, […]
Notification- amendment in rule 26
Notification- amendment in rule 26 (To be published in Part II.Section 3 of the Gazette of India) No.F.11(6) –Est.III/51 Government of India Ministry of Finance New Delhi, the 22nd March, 1952 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article. 309 and clause (5) of Article 148 of the Constitution, the President […]
Fixation of pay of Grade I Officers in the Central Secretariat Service.
Fixation of pay of Grade I Officers in the Central Secretariat Service. IMMEDIATE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE Subject : Fixation of pay of Grade I officers in the Central Secretariat Service Reference :- Finance Ministry’s U.O.No.12324-EIII/51 dated the 31st December, 1951, on the subject noted above. As the method of fixation of […]
Fixation of pay of officers appointed to Grade II and III of the Central Secretariat Service.
Fixation of pay of officers appointed to Grade II and III of the Central Secretariat Service. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE SUBJECT :- Fixation of pay of officers appointed to Grade II and III of the Central Secretariat Service. The pay of officers below the rank 123 in list VII appended to the […]