Passbook for PF Account Holders

Passbook for PF Account Holders There are no dormant accounts in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO). However, as per provision of para 72(6) of the Employees’ Provident Funds (EPF) Scheme, 1952, a member’s account under certain condition is classified as Inoperative Account. All such Inoperative Accounts have a definite claimant.As per Para 73(1) of the … Read more

Enhancement of EPF pension

GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF  LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENTRAJYA SABHAUNSTARRED QUESTION NO-401ANSWERED ON-27.02.2013 Enhancement of EPF pension 401 .    SHRI SYED AZEEZ PASHA (a)whether there is a proposal to provide fixed minimum pension to all the employees who are covered under Employees” Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO);(b)if so, the details thereof alongwith the minimum amount Government is planning … Read more

Need to avoid the use of term “Harijan” in respect of Scheduled Castes in official communications and transactions

No. 17020/64/2010-SCD (R.L.Cell) Government of India Social Justice and Empowerment Department of Social Justice and Empowerment Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi New Delhi, dated: 22.11.2012 To, The Chief Secretaries, All State Governments/ Union Territory Administrations. Subject : Need to avoid the use of term “Harijan” in respect of Scheduled Castes in official communications and transactions. Sir, … Read more

Clarification regarding pay fixation on conversion of DEOs to the post of Data Processing Assistant-EPFO

EMPLOYEES’ PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATION Sub: Clarification regarding pay fixation on conversion of DEOs to the post of Data Processing Assistant Sir,am directed to refer to the above cited subject and inform that references have been received from various field offices regarding pay fixation of DEOs on conversion to the post of Data Processing Assistant. The … Read more