It has been decided, with the approval of the Competent Authority, to merge the PA (SBCO) and PA (FPO) with PA (P0) with effect from 01.01.2023
DOP -Department of Posts
DOP : Upgradation of Robertsganj MDG into Head PO
Regarding upgradation of Robertsganj Mukhya Dak Ghar (MDG) into Head Post Office at District Headquarters of Sonbhadra District of Uttar Pradesh
SB Order No. 20/2022 – Amendments to procedural rule in POSB (CBS) Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021)
The contents of the latest POSB (CBS) Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021) circulated in SB Order No. 03/2022 dated 18.02.2022 have been reviewed and it has been decided to amend the following procedural rules
DOP : Identification of the post of PS. Gr. B Cadre, ASP Cadre and LSG/HSG-IV/HSG-I for PWBDs
Regarding Identification of the post of PS. Gr. B Cadre, ASP Cadre and LSG/HSG-IV/HSG-I for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBDs) in accordance with Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016
Operation of SB Pension Accounts & Joint Accounts opened by 3 adults jointly opened before 18.12.2019
Regarding Clarification on operation of SB Pension Accounts and Joint Accounts opened by three adults jointly opened before 18.12.2019