All ITS Group A and TES Group B officers have been directed to enroll in the iGoT portal and complete a minimum of two courses by January 31, 2023.
DOP -Department of Posts
Module for Online Processing of Compassionate Appointment Cases
it has been decided to develop a module for online processing of compassionate appointment cases. Hence, all the Circles are directed not to convene any CRC meeting for the vacancy year 2022 until further communication from this Directorate.
Declaration of Bonus for PLI Policies for FY 2023-24
The Government of India’s Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts, Directorate of Postal Life Insurance has issued a notification regarding the declaration of bonus on Postal Life Insurance (PLI) policies for the financial year 2023-24.
AIPR Submission under Rule 18 through SPARROW Portal
it was requested to submit the Annual Immovable Property Returns (AIPRs) by the Group ‘A’ officers of Department of Posts for the year ending 2022 (as on 01.01.2023) through IPR module of SPARROW Portal only
Timeline for settlement of deceased claim cases of NSS
Regarding quick settlement of deceased claim cases of National Savings Schemes and revised procedure and timeline for settlement of deceased claim cases