The Indian Government’s Department of Telecommunications has issued an office memorandum stating that assessment parameters of iGOT courses taken by officers of DoT will be included in their APARs (Annual Performance Appraisal Reports) starting in 2023-24. This is in line with the Mission Karmayogi program, which aims to improve the capacity and skills of civil servants. All ITS Group A and TES Group B officers have been directed to enroll in the iGoT portal and complete a minimum of two courses by January 31, 2023. These training modules will be taken into account during evaluations of the officers’ performance in their APARs.
Inclusion of assessment parameters of iGOT courses undertaken by officers of DoT, in APAR from 2023-24 onwards
File No. 71-12/2022-23/APAR
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-1
Dated 23.1.2023
Office Memorandum
Subject: Inclusion of assessment parameters of iGOT courses undertaken by officers of DoT, in APAR from 2023-24 onwards
Reference: (i) NTIPRIT OM no 1-85/2022-NTI.Admn./MKY dated 3.1.2023
(ii) Training division letter no 53-1/2022-MK-Trg dated 8.12.2022
The undersigned is directed to refer to the National Telecommunications Institute for policy research, innovation and Training (NTIPRIT) OM No 1-85/2022-NTI.Admn./MKY dated 3.1.2023 and training division letter no 53-1/2022-MK-Trg dated 8.12.2022 on the subject cited above and to say that as per directions of NTIPRIT that every individual officer (ITS Group A and TES Group B) must register himself on iGoT portal and enroll himself for relevant courses of his choice and interest available on iGoT portal. Secretary (Telecom) in review meeting of Mission Karmayogi (MKY), has desired that every officer must complete minimum of two courses available on iGOT, before 31st Jan 2023.
2 Mission Karmayogi – National Program for Civil Services Capacity building, aims to create a “citizen – centric, future – ready civil service, with right attitude, skills and knowledge aligned to the vision of New India”. Backbone of Mission Karmayogi i.e. iGoT portal, is an integrated Government online training and learning platform developed under Mission Karmayogi with an objective of building the capacity of Civil Servants not only to perform there day to day functions more efficiently but also to adopt to the changing requirement of the modern era Technology, challenges and citizen centricity.
- All ITS Group A and TES Group B officers are hereby directed to enroll for the iGoT portal and complete minimum of two courses available on iGOT, before 3lst Jan 2023. Further, all officers must comply the instructions issued time to time by NTIPRIT without fail. Further, it may please be noted that APAR of 2023-24 would be evaluated on the basis of assessment of their performance in iGoT training modules. Undertaking MKY courses and active participation in immersion program etc., may be made one of the work items to be reviewed/reported upon by the reporting officer in the APAR. The concerned reporting officers may lay down target for completion of mandatory courses for their team members for the year 2022-23 and 2023-24 based on the Annual Capacity Building Plan(ACBP) being prepared.
Signed by Hitesh
Date: 23-01-2023 16:15:19
Reason: Approved
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