Casual Labourers Bonus Order 2016 No.S-33027/3/2016-WB Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment (Wage Board Section) Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi dated 11 November, 2016 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Enhancement of the rate of bonus payable to casual labourers consequent on enhancement calculation ceiling of bonus for Central Government Employees from Rs.3500/- to […]
Bonus 2016-17
Bonus 2015-16,Bonus Orders,PLB Bonus 2015,Bonus act,Bonus calculation formula
Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus for Armed Forces personnel
Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus for Armed Forces personnel Ministry of Defence D(Pay/Services) Subject: Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to the Central Government Employees for the year 2015-16. A copy of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M. No. 7/24/2007/E III(A) dated 3rd October, 2016 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for […]
Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) for the year 2015-16 – OFB
Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) for the year 2015-16 CIRCULAR FAX/E-mail/Speed Post/Registered Post Government of India Ministry of Defence Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts (FYS) PAY TECH SECTION 10-a, S.K. BOSE ROAD, Kolkataa : 700001 E-mail ID: Website: Phone No: (033) 2248-5077 to 5080 Extn-593 Fax No: (033) 2248-0991 Pay/Tech-I/05/Bonus/Cir-02 […]
Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2015-16
Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2015-16 No.7/24/2007/E III (A) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure ( E Ill-A Branch ) North Block,New Delhi 3rd October- 2016. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year […]
Productivity Linked Bonus (2015-2016) Railway Board Order
Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees for the financial year 2015-2016 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD ) RBE No. 114 /2016. No. E(P&A)II-2016/PLB-9 New Delhi, dated : 28.09.2016. The General Managers/CAOs, All Indian Railways & Production Units etc. Subject : Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to all […]