BANK WAGE REVISION UPDATES-CBOU [ALL INDIA BANK OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION CENTRAL OFFICE] A.K.Nayak Bhavan, 2nd Floor 14, Second Line Beach, CHENNAI-600 001 Circular No. 10/VI/2014 September 19, 2014 To: ALL UNITS / STATE COMMITTEES Comrades, 12TH ROUND OF DISCUSSION – ON WAGE REVISION IBA REMAINS STUBBORN. After lapse of 90 days, one more round of discussion […]
bank employees news
Regulated Working hours-Bank News
Regulated Working hours-Bank ALL INDIA BANK OFFICERS’ CONFEDERATION (AIBOC) ALL INDIA BANK OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION (AIBOA) INDIAN NATIONAL BANK OFFICERS’ CONGRESS (INBOC) NATIONAL ORGANISATION OF BANK OFFICERS (NOBO) 17.09.2014 The Chairman Indian Banks Association MUMBAI Sir, REG: Regulated Working hours REF: Our letter dated 20.01.2009 While, we note with appreciation that IBA is inclined to address […]
WAGE REVISION NEGOTIATIONS- 17.09.2014. Indian National Bank Employees’ Federation (A Banking Wing of INTUC) C.O. : 2202 9887 M.M.O.: 2265 2688 FAX : 2288 4783 E-mail: Bajaj Bhawan, 1st Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai CIR/INBEF/GS/SSS/2014/13 18th September, 2014 Dear Friends, WAGE REVISION NEGOTIATIONS- 17.09.2014. The representatives of UFBU met at 11.00 a.m. to discuss and […]
Dearness Relief Payable to Pensioners for the Period August 2014 to January 2015
Dearness Relief Payable to Pensioners for the Period August 2014 to January 2015 Indian Banks’ Association HR & INDUSTIRAL RELATIONS No.CIR/HR&IR/D/G2/2014-15/426 August 1, 2014 Designated Officers of all Member Banks which are parties to the Bipartite Settlement on Pension Dear Sirs, Dearness Relief payable to Pensioners for the period August 2014 to January 2015 The […]
Bank D.A. to increase 33 slabs, Pensioners to get 17 slabs more from August 2014
Bank D.A. to increase 33 slabs, Pensioners to get 17 slabs more from August 2014 33 SLABS INCREASE IN DA FOR BANK WORKMEN/OFFICERS FOR AUGUST SEPT AND OCT’14 QUARTER Labour Bureau,Ministry of Labour and Employment,Govt.of India, has released All India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers ,Base 2001=100 for the month of June’14,today which stood at 246 points […]