Revision of pay of employees stagnating at the maximum of the Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale in pre-revised structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 No.1-6/2016-IC Government of India Department of Expenditure Implementation Cell Room No.214, The Ashok, New Delhi Dated the 7th September,2016 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Revision of pay of […]
7th CPC orders
Date of next increment in revised pay structure
Date of next increment in revised pay structure.- (1) There shall be two dates for grant of increment namely, 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of existing date of 1st July: Provided that an employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment either on 1st January or 1st July depending on the date […]
7th CPC fixation of pay and payment of arrears —instructions- regarding.
7th CPC fixation of pay and payment of arrears —instructions- regarding. No.1-5/2016-IC Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure (Implementation Cell, 7th CPC) *** Room No. 214, The Ashok New Delhi, the 29th July, 2016 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission — fixation of pay and […]
Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.
Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission. DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL & TRAINING MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS NORTH BLOCK NEW DELHI-110001 D.O.No.14021/1/2016-AIS.II Dear Sir, As you are aware, the Central Government has accepted the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission. The Notification dated 25.7.2016 has since been issued by the Department of […]
Fixation of Pay for Medical Officers who are drawing Non Practicing Allowance (NPA)-Example Calculation
Fixation of Pay for Medical Officers who are drawing Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) In the case of medical officers in respect of whom Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) is admissible, the pay in the revised pay structure shall be fixed in the following manner : the existing basic pay shall be multiplied by a factor of […]