EDITORIAL POSTAL CRUSADER NOVEMBER-2014 JCM STAFF SIDE UNITY SHOULD BE FOR STRUGGLE History of Central Government Employees reveals that Government has taken undue advantage to deny the justified demands of the Central Government Employees, whenever there was disunity among the JCM staff side organizations. On the contrary, whenever staffside stood solidly united the Government was … Read more

7th pay Commission’s visit to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

7th pay Commission’s visit to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Commission’s visit to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh The Commission, headed by its Chairman, Justice Shri A. K. Mathur, proposes to visit Shimla, Himachal Pradesh from 12th to 13th November, 2014. The Commission would like to invite various entities/associations/federations representing any/all categories of employees covered by the terms of … Read more

Central Trade Unions In India To Observe “National Protest Day” On 5th December, 2014

Central Trade Unions in India To observe  NATIONAL PROTEST DAY” ON 5th December, 2014 Press Note CGEC, NOCGE, INTUC To observe “NATIONAL PROTEST DAY” ON 5th December, 2014 All Over India along with all Central Trade Unions in India New Delhi, Nagpur,Mumbai,Ranchi, Bangalore, Cochin; 24/10/2014; Central Government Employees Confederation (CGEC); National Organisation of Central Government Employees … Read more

Joint Programme Of Action On Central Government Employees Common Demands-Merger Of Da, Interim Relief…

JCM STAFF SIDE NATIONAL CONVENTION ON 11TH DECEMBER 2014 AT NEW DELHI. WILL DECLARE JOINT PROGRAMME OF ACTION ON CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES COMMON DEMANDS JCM Staff Side leadership has decided to organize a National Convention of all Central Government Employees (Railway, Defence & Confederation) on 11th December 2014 at New Delhi from 12 PM to … Read more

7th Pay Commission team visits Siachen to get first-hand experience

The 7th Pay Commission visited forward areas in Jammu and Kashmir, including the world’s highest battlefield on the Siachen glacier, to get the first-hand feel of the freezing temperatures and hardship faced by soldiers. The 16-member team headed by the panel’s chairman, retired judge A.K. Mathur, spent time at the base camp in Siachen and … Read more