Revising OTA and Night Duty allowance rates

Confederation of central government employees and workers |  explanatory note on demands


Revising OTA  and Night Duty allowance rates:

Overtime allowance is seldom given to the Government employees.  In case of emergency and in the contingency in which the work cannot be postponed, like that happens in the RMS division of Postal Department, in the Atomic Energy Commission offices or when the Parliament is in session in other administrative offices, employees are asked to do work beyond the stipulated working hours.

The Night duty allowance is provided to the employees who are asked to work in the night shifts with certain stipulated conditions.  The 4th CPC recommended that since there had been considerable misuse of the provisions relating to the grant of OTA, the Government should find alternative methods to compensate the employees who are asked to work on over time and pending such a scheme being evolved recommended not to revise the rates.  However, the Govt.did not bring in any new scheme but issued the directive that the OTA and Night duty allowance will be paid to the employees who are called upon to do overtime or night duty on the basis of the 4th CPC pay structure.  This directive is still in vogue.  On quite a number of occasions, the Staff Side pointed out the irrationality of the directive of the Government  in as much as a person engaged for managing the excess work from outside gets better emoluments than  the over time allowance granted to the regular employees.  The Government refused to reach an agreement in the National Council on this issue.  When the Staff side pressed, the Government came forward to record disagreement and refered  the matter to the Board of Arbitration under the JCM. Scheme.  The Board of Arbitration having found the unreasonable position taken by the Government gave out the award in favour of the staff and directed the Government to revise the order whereby the allowance will be linked to the actual pay of the Government employees.

The Govt. did not accept this award and has approached the Parliament for the rejection of the same.  The matter has not yet been placed in the form of a resolution in the Parliament.  Despite the fact that the employees had been abiding by the directive of their superiors to be on overtime/night duty, and despite having won the case before the Board of Arbitration they continue to be compensated on the basis of the Notional pay as in 1986.  There could not have been a much bigger injustice meted out to the employees. The Government must accept the award of the Board and  issue instructions  linking the allowance to the actual pay of the employee.

SOURCE- http://confederationhq.blogspotin/

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