RBE No.114/2023
New Delhi, dated 07 .11.2023
Sub: Standardization of documents required for inclusion of family members/dependent relatives, etc in Passes/PTOs.
Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 24.05.2023, followed by reminder dated 13.07.2023.
Consequent to digitization of Privilege Passes/PTOs and automation of its issuance, standardization of documents required for inclusion of family members/dependent relatives, etc for all kinds of Passes/PTOs has been engaging Board’s attention. Suggestions/comments of Railways/PUs/CTIs/Recognised Federations were also called for vide letters cited under reference, for finalization of the same.
- After taking into account the suggestions/comments received in this context, the table of documents required and the format for “Dependency Declaration”, finalized in Board are enclosed as Annexure-I & II for use on entire Indian Railways.
- Pass Issuing Authorities (PIA) are advised to demand only the documents as stipulated in the Annexure and not insist on production of other document(s) which might have been in use in the past. However in case of any ambiguity regarding the eligibility of a beneficiary to be included in the Pass, details/additional document(s) relevant to clarify the doubt may be called for by respective PIA. In such cases, after receipt of clarification/documents from the Pass Account holder, final decision will be taken within 15 days with the approval of an Officer of SAG level in the Personnel Department, overseeing the Pass Section as Competent Authority.
- The existing cases where the eligibility of beneficiaries already stand settled need not be reviewed by calling for documents stipulated now.
- This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.