1. Appeal for Enhanced Fixed Medical Allowance:
Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj, an All India Federation of Pensioners’ Associations, has addressed a letter to the Finance Minister of India, Hon’ble Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman. In the letter dated October 5, 2023, the organization urgently appeals for the enhancement of Fixed Medical Allowance from Rs. 1000 per month to Rs. 3000 per month. This appeal is grounded in the pressing healthcare needs of pensioners, particularly in their old age when medical expenses can be significant.
2. Parliamentary Committee’s Recommendation:
The letter references the 110th report submitted by the Parliamentary committee on Pensioner’s Grievance on December 10, 2021. This report recommends the enhancement of Fixed Medical Allowance to Rs. 3000 per month, highlighting the health challenges faced by pensioners in their advanced years. It stresses that many pensioners struggle with various health issues and often find it challenging to manage their healthcare costs with meager pensions.
3. Anticipating Ministerial Clearance:
The letter acknowledges that the proposal for the enhancement of Fixed Medical Allowance was under examination in the Finance Ministry. It further mentions that there is an understanding that the Finance Minister has given approval to the proposal. The Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj eagerly awaits the final clearance and issuance of orders on this matter by the ministry.
This appeal underscores the importance of addressing the healthcare needs of pensioners and ensuring they have adequate support for medical expenses in their retirement years.
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