Vigilance-Based System Enhancements for OBHS Staff

The Ministry of Railways, Government of India, has issued a directive regarding the improvement of systems for On Board Housekeeping Services (OBHS) staff. This directive follows observations made by the Railway Board Vigilance

System Improvement for OBHS staff: Observations of Railway Board Vigilance Directorate


No. 2023/EnHM/26/02/System Improvement

New Delhi, dated: 20.09.2023

General Managers,
All Zonal Railways

Sub: System Improvement for OBHS staff: Observations of Railway Board Vigilance Directorate.

Ref: Railway Board’s letter of even no. dated 07.04.2023 (copy enclosed).

Please connect to Railway Board’s letter under reference vide which Zonal Railways were advised to prepare a database of defaulting OBHS staff to avoid engagement of such persons in any On Board Housekeeping Services. Subsequently, Railway Board Vigilance has advised several more suggestions/actions towards system improvement for OBHS staff travel in eligible trains.

  1. In pursuance to observations made Railway Board Vigilance, the following instructions are issued for strictly compliance by all Zonal Railways:

Zonal Railways are advised that the Badges and Identity Cards for OBHS staff in no case shall use logo of Indian Railways or State Emblem. The word “Railway” shall not be printed on the Identity Card, Badges. High penalty provision and legal action for violation of such provisions should be in the contract agreement.
Standard Bid Document (SBD) issued in 2017, already has provision for GPRS based Bio-metric attendance system for OBHS staff and station control room based Bio-metric attendance for other staff booked for cleaning activities. Also, vide RB letter No. 2018/EnHM/13/01 dt. 29.06.2020, Zonal Railways were advised for linking bio- metric to contractual payments, use of Shramik Kalyan portal to ensure payments to workers. Zonal Railways are advised that biometric attendance of OBHS staff at the starting station and feasibility of the same enroute may be looked into to avoid staff shortage/early leaving of train mid journey and impersonation.
DA: As above

(Shailendra Singh)
ED/ME (EnHM & Proj.)
Railway Board


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