The Railway Board, under the Government of India’s Ministry of Railways, has issued a notification (RBE No. 103/2023) on 30th August 2023. This notification pertains to the retention of railway accommodation for officers who have been selected through the Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) for Board-level positions in Public Sector Organizations on a permanent absorption basis.
According to this notification, such officers are allowed to retain their railway accommodation for the current academic session, provided that their eligible ward continues to occupy the accommodation. However, the organization to which the officer has been absorbed must deposit an amount equal to the lease entitlement or House Rent Allowance (HRA), whichever is higher, with the concerned Zonal Railway.
Ceilings in respect of Office Expenditure on Hospitality for Training Institutes
RBE No. 100/2023
Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
No. E(MPP)2012/3/28Pt.
New Delhi, Dated 24.08.2023
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways and
Production Units.
The Director General
NAIR, Vadodara.
IRICEN, Nasik,
IRIEEN, Jamalpur,
IRISET, Secunderabad,
IRITM, Lucknow,
IRIFM, Secunderabad,
JRRPF, Lucknow.
Sub:- Ceilings in respect of Office Expenditure on Hospitality for Training Institutes
With reference to Board’s letter no. E(MPP)2012/3/28 dated 25.05.2018 (RBE No. 73/2018), following has been clarified:
The unit of expenditure ceiling in column 3 of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)/2012/3/28 dated 25.05.2018 (RBE No. 73/2018) is Rs/month. Accordingly, the following table may be replaced:
S.No. | Designation | Prescribed ceiling in respect of hospitality related office expenditure |
1 | Director/Head of Training Establishment | 8,000/- |
2 | Course Director | 5,700/- |
3 | Counsellors | 4,500/- |
S.No. | Designation | Prescribed ceiling in respect of hospitality related office expenditure |
(₹ Per Month) | ||
1 | Director/DG/Head of Training Establishment | 8,000/- |
2 | Course Director | 5,700/- |
3 | Counsellors | 4,500/- |
- All other items in the above mentioned letter will remain unchanged.
- The issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
- Kindly acknowledge the receipt.
(Amit Singh Mehra)
Director/ MPP
Railway Board.