This circular, issued by the Central Vigilance Commission on September 5, 2023, emphasizes the importance of adhering to the provisions of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the implementation of the Integrity Pact (IP) by organizations involved in procurement activities.
Adherence to the provisions of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for implementation of Integrity Pact
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-110023
Dated 05.09.2023
Circular No. 09/09/23
Subject: Adherence to the provisions of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for implementation of Integrity Pact-regarding.
Central Vigilance Commission, vide its Circular No 015/VGL/091 dated 14.06.2023 has issued revised Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for implementation of Integrity Pact (IP) by the Organizations, who have adopted IP for procurement activities.
- As per provisions of the SOP, the Integrity Pact would be implemented through a panel of Independent External Monitors (IEMs) to be appointed by the respective organizations. In Para 5.2 of the SOP dated 14.06.2023, it has been provided that the Procurement wing of the organization shall hold quarterly meetings with the IEMs. Similarly, as per Para 5.4 of the SOP dated 14.06.2023, has been laid down that it would be desirable to have structured meetings of IEMs with the Chief Executive of the organization on a half yearly basis to discuss/review the information on tenders awarded during the preceding six months’ period. Additional such meetings, however, can be held as per requirement.
- However, it has been observed that in some organizations, meetings with IEMs are not being scheduled/held at periodic intervals, as provided in the SOP dated 14.06.2023. This can result in reducing the effectiveness of Integrity Pact as a tool for Preventive Vigilance.
- The Commission has therefore, desired that the organizations may ensure that meetings of IEMs in the respective organizations are scheduled as per the periodicity indicated in Paras 5.2 and 5.4 of Commission’s Circular No. 04/06/23 dated 14.06.2023.
- This may be noted for compliance by the organizations concerned.
(Roopal Prakash)
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