A recent communication from the Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA) clarifies the pay fixation process following the upgrade and merger of the post of Accounts Officer (Pay Level-09) to Senior Accounts Officer (Pay Level-10).
Clarification on pay fixation consequent upon the upgradation and merger of the post of Accounts Officer (Pay Level-09) to Sr. Accounts Officer (Pay Level-10)
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt- 110010.
No. AN/XIV/14164/Pay Matters
Dated 13/09/2023
All PCsDA/ CsDA/ PC of A (Fys.)
(through email)
Sub: Clarification on pay fixation consequent upon the upgradation and merger of the post of Accounts Officer (Pay Level-09) to Sr. Accounts Officer (Pay Level-10)
This HQrs. AN-VIII section has issued a letter no. AN/VIIN/8210/RR/SAO/2021/p-212 dated 08.08.2023 notifying that in the DAD the posts of Accounts Officer has been upgraded from existing Pay Level-09 to Pay Level-10 and subsequently it has been merged with the post of Senior Accounts Officer.
- Consequently, the following provisions may please be adhered to while regulating the pay fixation of the affected officers:-
(i) Assumption of higher duties and responsibilities is not involved in the upgradation and merger of Accounts Officer (L-09) with the post of Sr. Accounts Officer (L-10). Therefore, the provisions of Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 and FR 22(I)a(1) are not applicable. i.e. the benefit of notional/ promotional increment is not to be granted.
(ii) The upgradation is not a promotion and no higher responsibilities are involved, therefore. pay is to be fixed as per provision of FR 22(1)a)(2) ie. the officer shall draw as initial pay, the stage of the time-scale (L-10) which is equal to his pay in respect of the old post(L-09) and if there is no such stage, the stage next above his pay in r/o of the old post (L-09) in the upgraded Pay Level-10.
(iii) There is upwards revision of pay scale of the post of Accounts Officer from Pay Level-09 to the post of Sr. Accounts Officer in Pay Level-10. Therefore, FR 22(I)(a)(2), the officer will have an option to be exercised within one month from the date of such appointment, for fixation of his pay in the new post with effect from the date of appointment to the new post or with effect from the date of increment in the old post.
(iv) If the officer chooses to get his pay fixed w.e.f. his date of increment in the old post of Accounts Officer (L-09), as per FR 23, he will retain his old pay until the date on which he has earned his next or any subsequent increment. On the DNI the officer will get his usual increment in the post of Accounts Officer (L-09) and thereafter his pay will be placed in the pay Level-10 (applicable to Sr. Accounts Officer) at the same stage and if there is no such stage the stage next above his pay in Pay Level-09. The option once exercised will be final.
(v) As per FR 23 the holder of a post. the pay of which is changed, shall be treated as if he were transferred to a new post on the new pay. As a consequence of upgradation and merger of Posts of Accounts Officer (L-09) and Sr. Accounts Officer (L-10). the pay of incumbents is changed to L-10 as such they may be treated as if they are transferred to a new post on the new pay. As per FR 22 (1)(a)(2) in cases where pay is fixed at the higher stage, he shall get his next increment on completion of the period when an increment is earned in the time-scale of the new post. Since the qualifying service for earning increments in a post is six months, the officers would be entitled to next increment after six months of qualifying service thereafter they will be granted increment annually.
This issues with the approval of CGDA.
(Sushil Riyar)

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