The Railway Ministry has issued a clarification, as outlined in RBE No. 99/2023 dated 22.08.2023, regarding the selection process for the post of Clerk-cum-Typist in Grade Pay 1900 (Level-2) under the 33-1/3% erstwhile Group ‘C’ (Level-1) to Group ‘C’ Promotional Quota. The instruction discusses the formation of a panel for this selection.
Selection to the post of Clerk-cum-Typist in Grade Pay 1900 (Level-2) against 33-1/3% erstwhile Group ‘C’ (Level-1) to Group ‘C’ Promotional Quota
RBE No. 99 /2023
(रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)I-2023/CFP/8
New Delhi, dated 22.08.2023
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways and PUs etc,
(AS per standard list).
Sub: Selection to the post of Clerk-cum-Typist in Grade Pay 1900 (Level-2) against 33-1/3% erstwhile Group ‘C’ (Level-1) to Group ‘C’ Promotional Quota- Clarification for formation of panel.
Attention is invited to instructions contained in RBE No. 43/2015 which provide that while conducting selection against 33-1/3%, quota from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to ‘C’ panel should be drawn in the order of seniority from amongst the qualified staff as per provisions contained in para 189 of IREM Volume 1 and ACS No.154 & 155.
- One of the Zonal Railways has raised a doubt as to whether the provision of supersession by 50% of the total Field of eligible candidates by those Securing 80% marks and above, is applicable in case of promotion against the 33-1/3% quota of erstwhile Group ‘D’ (Level-1) to Group ‘C’ staff. The matter has been examined in the Board’s office and it is clarified that the provision regarding supersession of 50% of the total field of eligibility by those securing 80% marks and above, and being classified as ‘Outstanding’, is not applicable in the selection procedure for 33-1/3% quota from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to ‘C’ Past cases decided otherwise, need not be reopened.
- This disposes off Northern Railway’s letter No.831E/63-2/XIV-E/Pt-V/ETY dated 12.05.2023.
- The Hindi version will follow.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Encl: Nil.
(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Tele No. 23303658
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