The Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts, Government of India, has issued an Office Memorandum on 18th July 2023, amending the rules for Non-Regular personnel of Army Postal Service (APS) in reference to AI 29/85 and Gol letter dated 19.03.1985.
Amendment to AI 29/85 and Gol letter dated 19.03.1985 regarding Non-Regular personnel of APS
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
DakBhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Subject: Amendment to AI 29/85 and Gol letter dated 19.03.1985 regarding Non-Regular personnel of Army Postal Service (APS).
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to convey that the competent authority has approved the following: –
i. Submission of application for VRS by DoP officials only after joining DoP back on repatriation from APS. Non-entertaining of applications for VRS till officials are working in APS.
ii. Retirement while working in APS shall not be allowed. Officials (upto the rank of Lt Col) will be required to be repatriated to DoP atleast 1 year before the age of retirement in civil side/parent department or age of compulsory retirement in Army whichever 1s earlier.
iii. Maximum service period in APS (upto the rank of Lt Col) for DoP officials as 20 years during the entire service in Government for Commissioned officers only, not for JCOs/ORs.
iv. Provision of cooling off period of two years after return from APS before proceeding again to APS on deputation. This condition may be relaxed by the Secretary (Posts) only in the interest of service.
- This issues with the approval of competent authority with immediate effect.
(Hemant Kumar)
Assistant Director General (SPQ)
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