The Department of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Government of India, has issued an office memorandum regarding the timely submission of the Annual Immovable Property Return (IPR) by members of the Central Civil Service/Posts.
Instructions on Timely submission of Annual Immovable Property Return by the members of Central Civil Service/Posts
eF.No. 11013/17/2023-PP-A.III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(Personnel Policy Division)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 14 July, 2023
Subject: Instructions on Timely submission of Annual Immovable Property Return by the members of Central Civil Service/Posts
Department of Personnel and Training has been issuing instructions on filing of Annual Immovable Property Return of the previous year latest by 31st January of the following year, by the members of Central Civil Services/Posts, as required under under Rule 18 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. Sub-rule 1(ii) of Rule 18 of the CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 stipulates that “Every Government servant belonging to any service or holding any post included in Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B” shall submit an annual return in such form as may be prescribed by the Government in this regard giving full particulars regarding the immovable property inherited by him or owned or acquired by him or held by him on lease or mortgage either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family or in the name of any other person”.
- Accordingly, all Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ Government servants are required to file Annual Immovable Property Return of the previous year latest by 31% January of the following year invariably. The need for obtaining these returns regularly and making careful scrutiny of the same was reiterated from time to time.
- Attention, in this regard, is invited to DOPT OM No. 11012/11/2007 dated 14.12.2007 and 27.09.2011 as per which, vigilance clearance, for the purpose of (a) empanelment (b) any deputation for which clearance is necessary, (c) appointments to sensitive posts and assignments to training programmes (except mandatory training), shall be denied to an officer, if he fails to submit his annual immovable property return of the previous year by 31st January of the following year.
- Attention is also invited to DOPT OM No. 11013/3/2011-Estt.(A) dated 23.09.2013 requesting all Cadre Controlling authorities that the IPRs (to be submitted by 31St January each year) may be placed in public domain by 31% March of that year.
- Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested to ensure that these returns are submitted by all Group A and B Officers under their control in respect of every calendar year by 31st January of the next year. It may be impressed upon them that failure on the part of a Government servant to comply with the requirement of the aforesaid rule can form good and sufficient reasons for instituting disciplinary proceedings against him.
- Further, Ministries/Departments may also ensure that these returns are placed in public domain within the prescribed period of time. Internal Audit may also be conducted by the Ministries/Departments to ensure that these instructions are being followed in letter and spirit.
(Umesh Kumar Bhatia
Director (Pers. Policy)
Tel. No. +91-11-23094471
Email: uk.bhatia[at]
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