The Eastern Railway’s Personnel Department has issued a circular, Serial Circular No. 85/2023, regarding the merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC), and Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC). The circular states that the intake of Commercial Apprentice will continue despite the merger. The circular references a letter from the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) dated 28/06/2023 (RBE No. 85/2023) and its enclosures for further information and necessary action. Previous letters from the Railway Board dated 22/02/2018 (RBE No. 28/2018) and 05/04/2019 (RBE No. 59/2019) are also mentioned in the circular. The circular is signed by S.K. Chattopadhyay, Sr. Personnel Officer/HQ, on behalf of the Principal Chief Personnel Officer.
Merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) and Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC) – Continuance of intake of Commercial Apprentice
Eastern Railway
(Personnel Department)
17 N.S.Road, Kolkata – 700 001
Serial Circular No.85/2023
No. E.1023/0/Classification/PLI
Kolkata, Dated: 03/07/2023
All Concerned
(as per standard list)
Sub: Merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) and Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC) – Continuance of intake of Commercial Apprentice – reg.
A copy of Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) letter bearing no. E(NG)1-2019/PM1/14, dated 28/06/2023 (RBE No. 85/2023) on the above cited subject along with its enclosures, is circulated herewith for information and further necessary action. Board’s earlier letters dated 22/02/2018 (RBE No. 28/2018) and 05/04/2019 (RBE No. 59/2019) mentioned therein were circulated under this office serial nos. 46/2018 and 87/2019 respectively.
DA: As above.
(S.K. Chattopadhyay)
Sr. Personnel Officer/HQ
For Pr. Chief Personnel Officer
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