Maternity Leave for Senior Residents in Railway Hospitals

The Government of India’s Ministry of Railways has issued revised terms and conditions for Senior Residents working in Railway Hospitals. According to the new guidelines, Senior Residents will now be entitled to maternity leave of 26 weeks. This leave can be taken either before the expected delivery date or for the remaining duration of their contract period, whichever is less. To be eligible for this maternity leave, the Senior Resident must have completed a working period of at least 80 days in the twelve months preceding the expected delivery date at the Railway hospital. These changes are in accordance with the Maternity Act, 1961. The revision has been approved by the competent authority in the Railway Board and the concurrence of the Finance (Establishment) Directorate of the Ministry of Railways has been obtained.

Revised terms and condition for Senior Residents working in Railway Hospitals


No.2022/PED/H/Misc./Maternity Benefits

New Delhi, dated: 03.07.2023

General Managers,
All Indian Railways,
Including PUs, RDSO and NAIR.

Sub: Revised terms and condition for Senior Residents working in Railway Hospitals.

Ref: Board’s letter No.88/H/2-1/9 dated 24.06.2008

Terms & conditions for engagement of Senior Resident in Railway Hospitals have been issued vide Board’s letter cited under reference. Leave entitlement for Senior Residents as mentioned in the letter is reproduced below:

  • One day weekly off by rotation.
  • Entitles to total 20 days leave in one contract year which can be availed as not more than 10 in six months period.
  • Not entitled to any vacation or any other type of leave.

Now, it has been decided, with the approval of the competent authority in Railway Board that Senior Residents will be entitled for Maternity leave of 26 weeks of which not more than eight weeks shall precede the date of expected delivery OR remaining tenure of contract period, whichever is less. This is subject to her having completed working period of not less than 80 days in the twelve months immediately preceding the date of her expected delivery in the Railway hospital and fulfilling the other terms and conditions of Maternity Act, 1961.

This issues with the concurrence of Finance (Establishment) Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(Dr. A.K. Malhotra)
Railway Board

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