The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India, issued a letter dated June 2023 in response to an email regarding the grant of notional increment to Central Government employees who superannuated on 30th June or 31st December. The letter refers to the Order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 11th April 2023 in the case of KPTCL v/s C.P. Mundinmanian and the dismissal of SLP No.4722/2021 filed by the Union of India on 19th May 2023.
The letter states that the matter is currently under examination in consultation with the Department of Expenditure. Further action will be taken upon completion of the consultation process. The letter is signed by Shukdeo Sah, Under Secretary to the Government of India.
Grant of notional increment to Govt servants superannuated on 30th June or 31st December
19/1/2023 Pers Policy [Pay (Promotion)]
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated June, 2023
Shri Ramsahay Vijay
Email: rsvijayvargia[at]
Subject: Grant of notional increment to Govt servants superannuated on 30th June or 31st December-reg
I am directed to refer to your email dated 06.06.2023 in the matter involving grant of notional increment to the Central Government employees who superannuated on 30th June or 31st December in light of the Order of Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 11.04.2023 in the case of KPTCL v/s C.P. Mundinmanian and dismissal of SLP No.4722/2021 filed by UOI in order dated 19.05.2023.
- In this regard it is informed that action in light of the Order dated 11.04.2023 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in CA No. 2471 of 2023 (@SLP(C) No. 6185/2020) – Director (Admn and HR) KPTCL & Ors. Vs C.P. Mundinamani & Ors. and dismissal of SLP No. 4722/2021 filed by Union of India vide order dated 19.05.2023 in the matter relating to grant of notional increment to the Government Servants who superannuated on 30th June or 31st December is presently under examination in consultation with D/o Expenditure. Further action, as may be required in this regard, will be taken on completion of the consultation process.
- This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully
(Shukdeo Sah)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
@ 011-23040 489

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