Guidelines and Deadlines for Auto Forwarding of APAR

The Office Memorandum dated June 6, 2023, issued by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Controller General of Accounts (CGA) of the Government of India, addresses the non-compliance of timelines in the Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) process.

The CGA has observed that the timelines specified in the APAR process have not been followed in several instances. To ensure compliance, the memorandum announces the introduction of auto-forwarding of APAR from one stage to the next stage after the specified due date, starting from the APAR year 2022-23. Officers who have not yet submitted their self-appraisal are advised to do so immediately to their reporting officer, with the deadline set for June 15, 2023.

APAR on “SPARROW” in respect of Indian Civil Accounts Service

F.No. A-2801 2/1/2023-Group A-CGA/(12404)/616
(Government of India)
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
E Block, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi-110023


Dated: 06th June, 2023

SubJect: Auto-forward of Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) on “SPARROW” (Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window) in respect of Indian Civil Accounts Service – reg.

It has been observed that the timelines for APAR process issued by DoP&T vide its OM No. 21011/1/2005-Estt(A)(Pt.II) dated 23.07.2009 have not been adhered to in many instances.

  1. The timelines are reiterated as below:
S.NoActivityDate by which to be completed
1Distribution of blank forms/ online generation of APAR31st March (this may be completed even a week earlier)
2Submission of Self-Appraisal to Reporting Officer15th April
3Forwarding of report by Reporting officer to Reviewing Officer30th June
4Forwarding of report by Reviewing Officer to APAR Cell / Accepting Authority (wherever provided)31st July
5Appraisal by Accepting Authority, wherever provided31st August
6 (a)Disclosure of APAR to the officer reported upon (where no Accepting Authority)01st September
6 (b)Disclosure of APAR to the officer reported upon (where Accepting Authority)15th September
7Receipt of representation, if any, on APAR15 days from the date of communication
8Forwarding of representation to the competent authority.
(a)Where there is no accepting authority for APAR21st September
(b)Where there is accepting authority for APAR06th October·
9Disposal of representation by the competent authorityWithin one month o date of receipt of representation by competent authority
10Communication of the decision of the competent authority on the representation by APAR Cell15th November
11End of entire APAR Process, after which the APAR will be finally taken on record.30th November
  1. Controller General of Accounts has taken a serious view of non-compliance of these timelines. It has been decided that to ensure compliance of APAR timelines, provision of auto forwarding of APAR from one stage to next stage after the specified due date will be introduced from the APAR year 2022-23 onwards.
  2. Keeping this in view, the officers who have not yet submitted the self­ appraisal (due date 15th April, 2023) are advised to submit self-appraisal to their reporting officer immediately, without any further delay, but not beyond lih June 2023 . If the officer reported upon does not submit the APAR by lih June 2023, the same will be auto forwarded to reporting officer for report. The Reporting and Reviewing Officers need also adhere to the timelines. The Officers reported upon may also follow up and ensure timely completion of the exercise by their Reporting and Reviewing Officers.

(Sanjai Singh)
Jt. Controller General of Accounts
Ph: 011-24690500


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