Guidelines for Recognition of Private Security Training Institutes under PSAR Act

The Ministry of Home Affairs in India has issued a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for license/recognition to training institutes by the Controlling Authorities for imparting trainings under the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 [PSAR Act].

The Ministry had previously taken a view that license to training institutes in the private security sector was not needed but it has not helped much to implement the provisions of mandatory training requirements.

The SOP has been formulated to address the challenges in implementation of various provisions regarding training of (private) guards and supervisors. The Controlling Authorities have been requested to follow the SOP in the respective State/UT in letter and spirit.

SOP for license/recognition to training institutes by the Controlling Authorities for imparting trainings under PSAR Act

Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Police Modernization Division

Jaisalmer House, 26, Man Singh Road,
New Delhi, dated the 02nd May, 2023.


  1. Controlling Authorities (PSARA) of all the States/UTs.
  2. Training Institutes in private security sector.

Subject: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for license/recognition to training institutes by the Controlling Authorities for imparting trainings under the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 [PSAR Act].


I am directed to say that this Ministry is in receipt of references regarding the procedure for registration of Training Institutes (imparting trainings under the PSAR Act, 2005) by the Controlling Authorities appointed under the States /UTs and the challenges in implementation of various provisions regarding training of (private) guards and supervisors.

  1. This Ministry, vide letter No. 24021/27/2016-PM-I dated 22.06.2018, had taken a view that license to training institutes in the private security sector was not needed. However, this instruction has not helped much to implement the provisions of mandatory training requirements. Further, stipulation of framing of the detailed training syllabus in accordance with the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) by the Controlling Authority (of respective States / UTs) has no desired impact on the promotion of training institutes across many States and UTs.
  2. In view of the above, the Ministry has formulated a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for registration of training institutes with the Controlling Authorities (Annexure). The Controlling Authorities are requested to follow the SOP in the respective State/UT in letter and spirit.

Yours faithfully,

Encl: as above Copy to:

(Manohar N. Sukole)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel :23386126


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