The ECHS Cards Related FAQs provide answers to common questions related to the application and use of ECHS Smart Cards in India. The questions include information on the difference between a 16Kb and 32Kb card, which number to use in the online application, the process for filling out an online application, issues with opening the website, filling out the prefix field, attaching affidavits for dependents, entering contact information for minors, and uploading photographs and signatures. The FAQs are available on the ECHS website and provide detailed instructions and examples for each question.
ECHS Cards Related FAQs
Q106. How can I find out difference between a 16Kb Card or a 32 Kb Card?
Ans: Smart Cards issued upto Apr 2010 were of 16Kb capacity whereas Smart Card issued from May 2010 to May 2015 were of 32Kb capacity. The visual difference of both the cards as follows:

Q107. There are two numbers mentioned on the Smart Card one is Reg No. and other is Sr No. I don’t know which is the Card number I have to mention in the online application.
Ans: The Reg No. is the Card number which is required to be mentioned in the online application. The starting first two alphabets in the number denote your Regional Centre.
Example: LK0001241 (LK is Regional Centre Lucknow)
GW0001242 (GW is Regional Centre Guwahati)
Q108. Please tell me the process for filling of online application for ECHS Smart Card.
Ans: To know the process of online application, please visit our website — ONLINE SMART CARD APPLICATION – INSTRUCTIONS.
Q109. I am trying to open the site for filling of online smart card application, but the page is not opening.
Ans: Please note that the site doesn’t work on Internet Explorer due to security issues. You can try filling application on other browsers like Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge. If error message is shown to you, kindly refresh / reload the page.
Q110. On the registration page there is a field for Prefix before Service number. I don’t have any Prefix in my service number. What should I write in Prefix field?
Ans: The service numbers in respect of Army Officers and Army JCOs consists of prefix whereas other service personal of Navy, Air Force & Coast Guards don’t have the prefix in their service numbers. Hence, the field has been provided for Officers and JCOs of Army. However, the field is optional.
Q111. Do I need to attach affidavit for dependents?
Ans: There is no requirement of attaching affidavit in the online application. A self declaration in place of affidavit will be presented in the application, which is required to be accepted by the applicant.
Q112. My son is a minor and he is not having either mobile number or email ID. What should I do?
Ans: Mobile number and email ID of primary beneficiary can be entered for the dependents for whom mobile number and email ID is not available.
Q113. How can I upload the photographs and signatures?
Ans: The detailed instructions regarding uploading of photograph and signature has been defined in Para 15 to 17 of Part – I of Instructions for Online Smart Card. Click here to follow the link:
Q114. As per instructions, Aadhaar is mandatory. However, I am a resident of Assam State, here Aadhaar Cards are not made. What should I do?
Ans: As of now endorsement of Aadhaar number is not mandatory for the residents of North East States, Jammu & Kashmir and for Nepal Domicile Gorkhas.
Q116. I have filled my application and uploaded all the documents. How do I know the status of my application?
Ans: The status of application can be checked in your login. The responsibility to verify the application lies with the Record Office of the applicant.
Q117. Where do I need to submit the hard copy of the application?
Ans: The submission of hard copy of application has been done away with. The application will move only on the online system and there is no need to submit the hard copy to any of ECHS office.
Q118. I have filled the application and proceeded for the payment. However the payment failed and since, then I am shown error message that payment is still in process.
Ans: The errors mentioned by you usually get resolved within 24 to 48 working hours. In case the payment error is not resolved. Please forward following details to our helpline e-mail IDs for resolving the issue.
(a) Your registered mobile number.
(b) Date of transaction.
(c) Screen shot of the error shown to you while making payment.
Q119. I am a 1992 retiree and applied for the online ECHS Smart Card and also done the payment. However, I didn’t get the online generated Temporary Slip. I am in need of emergency treatment. Please provide me temporary slip to avail ECHS facilities.
Ans: (a) In the online Smart Card Application following downloads are being provided after successful completion of application and payment.
(i) Filled Application (Only for Record Purpose of Applicant)
(ii) Temporary Slips (For availing ECHS facilities).
(b) Here filled application is being provided to every applicant, however, Temporary Slip is being provided to only following category of applicants:-
(i) Future Retirees.
(ii) Old Temporary Slip Holders.
(iii) Death in Service Cases.
(iv) Loss of 32 Kb Card cases(only for whom new card has been applied).
(v) Loss of 16 Kb Card / Temporary Slip cases.
(c) Temporary Slips are not being generated for the first time applicants like, Pre 1996 retire, 1996 to Mar 2003 retiree and Post Apr 2003 retiree not a member yet. Once, their online applications get verified from their record offices they will receive SMS and after that temporary slip will be provided in their login, which can be used for availing ECHS facilities.
(d) In case of emergency, you can approach ECHS Regional Center or Station HQ for issue of temporary slip.
Q120. I have filled online application. However, I forgot to add my dependents, I have also done the payment. Please allow me to add my dependents.
Ans: You can add dependents by login to the online application portal, then select edit application option, thereafter click on tab Add Dependent and fill details of your dependent and save details. After adding Dependents make additional payment for the members added in the application.
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