The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Directorate General Central Govt. Health Scheme (DGCGHS) has issued an Office Memorandum dated 22nd February 2023 to extend the validity of empanelment of CGHS empanelled Hospitals and Health Care Organizations (HCOs) till 30th April 2023 or until the finalization of new rates, whichever is earlier. The memorandum also extends the deadline for submission of acceptance letters and revised Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) by already empanelled hospitals under CGHS till 30th April 2023. The Additional Directors, CGHS are instructed to inform all empanelled HCOs of this extension.
CGHS Empanelled Hospitals Get Extension of Validity and Acceptance Letter Submission Date
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General Central Govt. Health Scheme (DGCGHS)
(Hospital Empanelment Cell)
Room No. 545 A, Nirman
Bhawan, New Delhi -110011
Dated 22nd February 2023
Subject: Extension of date for submission of Acceptance letter for terms and conditions of revised MoA by already empanelled hospitals under CGHS and the validity of empanelment till 30th April 2023 or till finalization of new rates whichever is earlier.
With reference to the above mentioned subject, the undersigned is directed to draw attention to the OM No S-11011/09/2022/CGHS (HEC) dated the 13 September 2022, 14th October 2022 and 29th December 2022 vide which orders were issued for submission by the HCOs already empanelled under CGHS of acceptance letter for the terms and conditions of revised MoA by 28th February 2023 to the concerned Additional Director, CGHS. Since then this Ministry is in receipt of representations from various quarters for extension of time, the matter has been reviewed by the Ministry it has been now decided that the validity of empanelment of CGHS empanelled HCOs as per the existing terms and conditions of empanelment, has been extended till 30th April 2023 or till finalization of new rates, whichever is earlier.
It has also been decided that the date for submission of the acceptance letter and revised MOA has been extended till 30th April 2023.
The Additional Directors, CGHS are advised to bring the contents of this letter to the notice of all empanelled HCOs
(Dr. Anjana Rajkumar)
Director, CGHS
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