Enhancing the HRMS e-Pass System in Railways

The Ministry of Railways in India has made modifications to the e-Pass Module of HRMS to improve user experience and convenience. The e-Pass/PTO will now be automatically and immediately issued upon request by the user, without any need for approval. The option to re-declare family declaration has been added, with changes requiring approval. Cancellation of pass and changes in family declaration still require approval. The option for alternate route for PTO has been provided, and family declaration must now be given once a year. The changes will come into force from 19th February 2023. The employees are advised to exercise caution while filling details in the e-Pass as the pass will now be auto-issued.

Modifications in the e-Pass Module of HRMS

Ministry of Railways (रेल मंत्रालय)
Railway Board(रेलवे बोर्ड)

File No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/6

New Delhi, dated: 06.02.2023

The General Managers,
All India Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)

Sub: – Modifications in the e-Pass Module of HRMS

This is to inform that in order to provide a significant boost to the user experience and convenience while using the e-Pass Module of HRMS, certain modifications have been introduced in the same which are detailed as under:

(i) The e-Pass/PTO shall be issued automatically and immediately by the HRMS system upon submission of request by the user, as per extant Railway Servant (Pass) Rules, without any need for approval of Pass clerk or Pass issuing authority.

(ii) Option has been provided to employees to re-declare existing family declaration, which will be auto accepted, without any need for approval of pass clerk / pass issuing authority if there is no change in the new declaration. To reconfirm the existing declaration, without any change, the employee may click on No Change in Family Declaration button, and thereafter the system will allow issue of pass based on existing family declaration.

(iii) In case there is any change in family details, the same can be done by using the Re-Declare Family button to access family declaration page, and submit revised family declaration for approval. Pass will be issued as per revised declaration only after approval.

(iv) Cancellation of pass and changes in family declaration would still require approval of pass clerk/ pass issuing authority.

(v) Option for faster and alternate route lias been provided for PTO as well, as is currently available for Pass.

(vi) Family declaration to be mangatorily given by employee once in a year. e-Pass shall not be issued if the family declaration is more than one year old. However, a grace period of 1 month shall be available to the employee during which pass will still be issued, if a service request for family declaration has been submitted by the employee for approval. This rule will come into force from 19.02.2023.

  1. It is requested that the aforementioned modifications in the e-Pass Module may be widely circulated amongst all the employees for their convenience. The employees may also be advised to exercise necessary caution while filling the details of origin, destination and break/via journey stations and choice of family members to be included in the e-Pass as in the new system, the pass will be auto-issued without being submitted to Pass Issuing Authority

(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-VII & HRMS
Railway Board

Source: indianrailways.gov.in

Enhancing the HRMS e-Pass System in Railways

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