Avoiding Mismatch & Hardship: Full Names for Pensioners & Family Pensioners

The Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) in India has issued an office memorandum regarding the use of abbreviations in the name of pensioners and family pensioners in fresh and revision special seal authorities and pension payment orders (PPOs). The memorandum states that the use of abbreviations in the name of the pensioners and family pensioners has resulted in mismatched details and caused difficulties for CPAO and pension disbursing agencies in authorizing and disbursing pensions and family pensions. To avoid this issue, the memorandum instructs all principal chief controller of accounts/chief controller of accounts/controllers of accounts/auditor generals to issue instructions to pension accounting offices under their control to use the full name and details of the pensioners and family pensioners in PPOs and revision authorities.

Stoppage of use of abbreviations in the name of Pensioner/Family Pensioner in Fresh & Revision Special Seal Authorities and PPOs

वित्त मन्‍त्रालय MINISTRY OF FINANCE
केन्द्रीय पेंशन लेख कार्यालय CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE
त्रिकूट-II भीकाजी कामा प्लेस TRIKOOT-II, BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE,
नई दिल्‍ली NEW DELHI-110066

CPAO/IT&Tech/Corres. with PAO/35 (Vol-II)/2022-23/233



Sub:- Stoppage of use of abbreviations in the name of Pensioner/Family Pensioner in Fresh & Revision Special Seal Authorities and PPOs- reg.

Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) has been receiving various cases regarding clarification in the name of pensioner/family pensioner. Where instead of using full details/name of pensioner/family pensioner, the abbreviations are being used, which result in mismatch in the details/name of concerned individual and cause hardship to CPAO and PDA in authorizing and disbursing the pension/family pension. This problem arises due to abbreviations used by PAO, leading to mismatch of data in PPO/SSA/Bank account and other documentary records. To avoid mismatching of data, PAOs need to mention full name/details of pensioner/family pensioner in PPO and revision authority as per service records only and no abbreviation should be used.

  1. In view of above, all the Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/AGs are requested to issue instructions to PAOs under their control to follow the above mentioned instructions for smooth disbursement of pension/family pension.

This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller (Pensions).

Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech)

Source: cpao.nic.in

Avoiding Mismatch & Hardship

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