The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs in India has issued a letter to all Cadre Controlling Authorities under its field formations regarding the applicability of the “Senior-Junior clause” in relation to the promotion of DR Officers who are not fulfilling the conditions of OTR (On the Roll). The letter states that clarification is being sought on this issue and that CCAs should immediately carry out DPCs (Departmental Promotion Committee) for EA (Entry-level Assistant) promotions for those who qualify the two conditions outlined in a previous Board letter dated 17.01.2023, without invoking the senior-junior clause. The letter also states that clarification on the applicability of the senior-junior clause in relation to ICT transferees, those senior due to seniority lists based on a 2014 DoPT OM, compassionate appointees, and sports quota recruiters will be provided later and that CCAs should take action accordingly.
Clarification sought on applicability of Senior-Junior clause in respect of the DR Officers who are not fulfilling the conditions of OTR
भारत सरकार/ Government of India
वित्त मंत्रालय / Ministry of Finance
राजस्व बोर्ड/ Department of Revenue
केंद्रीय अप्रत्यक्ष कर और सीमा शुल्क बोर्ड/ Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs
5th Floor, Hudco Vishala Building,
Bhikaji Cama Place, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi, dated, 25 Jan 2023
All the Cadre Controlling Authorities
under CBIC field formations
Subject: – Clarification sought on applicability of Senior-Junior clause in respect of the DR Officers who are not fulfilling the conditions of OTR
I am directed to refer to Board’s letter F.No.A.12018/01/2012.AD.III.B dated 17.01.2023 and to state as follows:
- Letters have been received from two CCAs seeking clarification on applicability of Senior junior clause to OTR for EFA in relation to interse seniority based on 2014 OM of DoPT (NR Paramar judgement) and also Compassionate appointees and sports quota recruitees. Applicability of Senior Junior clause to any of the above scenarios is under examination and Clarification, if any, will be shared later.
(i) CCAs to immediately carry out DPCs, in relation to OTR for EA, promoting all those who qualify the two conditions in para 2(a) of Board’s letter dated 17.01.2023 without invoking senior junior clause.
(ii) Also such DPCs be carried out without waiting for clarification on senior junior clause whether in relation to ICT transferees or in relation to those who are senior due to seniority lists drawn up based on 2014 DoPT OM on inter se seniority (NR Parmar judgment) or compassionate appointees or sports quota recruitees etc.
(iii) Whether senior junior clause is applicable along with OTR, in any scenario, will be clarified and accordingly action can be taken by CCAs later. But DPCs and promotions in relation to those who qualify clearly as per Board’s letter dt 17.01.2023 be carried out immediately and data of such promotions as well as resultant DR vacancies in TA cadre be conveyed to DGHRD immediately, as indicated clearly in Board’s letter dated 17.01.2023.
- This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Signed by Ravish Kumar
Date: 25-01-2023 16:40:41
Reason: Approved
(रविश कुमार)
अवर सचिव, भारत सरकार
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