The Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT) has issued an instruction stating that the maximum subscription limit to the General Provident Fund (GPF) for the financial year will be Rs. 5 Lakh. This decision has been taken in accordance with the guidelines set by the Department of Pension & Pensioner’s Welfare and will apply to all members of the All India Services until further amendments to the AIS (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955 are made.
कार्मिक एवं प्रशिक्षण विभाग (डीओपीटी) ने एक निर्देश जारी कर कहा है कि वित्तीय वर्ष के लिए सामान्य भविष्य निधि (जीपीएफ) की अधिकतम अंशदान सीमा रुपये होगी। 5 लाख। यह निर्णय पेंशन और पेंशनभोगी कल्याण विभाग द्वारा निर्धारित दिशा-निर्देशों के अनुसार लिया गया है और एआईएस (भविष्य निधि) नियम, 1955 में आगे संशोधन किए जाने तक अखिल भारतीय सेवाओं के सभी सदस्यों पर लागू होगा।
DOPT – Ceiling of Rs. 5 Lakh on subscription to General Provident Fund (GPF) in a financial year
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 6th January, 2023
The Chief Secretaries,
All the States/Union Territories
Sub:- Ceiling of Rs. 5 Lakh on subscription to General Provident Fund (GPF) in a financial year – reg.
I am directed to enclose a copy of instruction/clarification issued by the Department of Pension & Pensioner’s Welfare vide its O.M. No. 3/13/2022-P&PW(F) (8353) dated 02.11.2022, regarding maximum limit of Rs. 5 Lakh on subscription to General Provident Fund (Central Services) under General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 in a financial year. In this regard, it has been decided to implement the decision of the Government, contained in the aforesaid instruction/clarification to the all members of All India Services mutatis mutandis, pending amendment in AIS (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955.
- This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Encl: As above.
(Ram Lakhan)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
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