CMPs from open market
(रेलवे बोर्ड / RAILWAY BOARD )
No. 2022/E(GR)II/1/1
Rail Bhavan, New Delhi – 110001
Dated 01.12.2022
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units
{ Kind Attention: Dy. Chief Personnel Officer (Gaz.) }
Sub: – Engagement of CMPs from open market – terms and conditions.
In terms of extant instructions regarding engagement of CMPs from open market, a CMP can be engaged for a maximum of 12 annual terms or upto the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier. Further, vide Board’s letter No. 2014/E(GR)II/1/1 dated 20.07.2018, a clarification was also issued that the limit of 12 annual terms is for all Indian Railways put together i.e. if a CMP has worked for 08 annual terms on one Zonal Railway, he/she can be engaged for a maximum of 04 annual terms on another Zonal Railway.
2. For Performance Audit on “Management of Health Services in Indian Railways’, information regarding how the verification is being done regarding max limit of 12 times before hiring the CMP has been sought for from All Indian Railways/PUs and it has come to notice that most of the Railways/PUs rely upon the declaration/information furnished by the candidates at the time of filling up Application form for the post. However, a few Railways such as NR, NWR verify their details through AIMS portal. In these Railways, AADHAR No., PAN Card of the candidates has been linked to their salary account. This system appears to be more accurate/reliable in case of suppression of information by the candidates.
3. As such, all Railways/PUs are advised to adopt the above system improvement regarding linking AADHAR No., PAN Card to CMP’s salary account and verify their details through AIMS portal i.e. whether the candidate is already registered in other Railways/Division or not. This will ensure that any CMP does not cross the maximum limit of 12 annual terms in Indian Railways irrespective of the zone served.
4. Compliance report on the above may be sent to this office at the earliest.
(Kamal Kishor)
Deputy Director/Estt.(Gaz. Rectt.)-II
Railway Board
Tel: 011-23047260
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