Model Recruitment Rules-RRs for various categories of posts
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
ESTT.(Estt. RR-I)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 22 November, 2022
Subject:- Model Recruitment Rules (RRs)
Department of Personnel & Training has issued Model Recruitment Rules (RRs) for various categories of posts. The details are as under:
1. Model Recruitment Rules for certain common categories of Group C and D Posts have been issued on 07.11.2007.
OM No: AB-14017/73/2007-Estt.(RR) Dated: 7/11/2007
2.1 Model Recruitment Rules for the post of Lower Division Clerk have been issued on 07.10.2009.
OM No: No.AB-14017/32/2009-Estt (RR) Dated: 7/10/2009
2.2 Model Recruitment Rules for the post of Lower Division Clerk were modified on 17.05.2010 wherein all Ministries/Departments were requested to amend the entries pertaining to Skill Test Norms prescribed in the Col. 8 of the Model RRs for the post of Stenographer Grade II by including the Skill Test Norms ‘only on computers’.
OM No: No. AB-14017/32/2009-Estt(RR) Dated: 18/5/2010
3.1 Model RRs for Stenographer Grade II post in non-Secretariat Organizations have been issued on 10.03.2010.
OM No: No. AB-14017/8/2010-Estt (RR) Dated: 10/3/2010
3.2 Model RRs for Stenographer Grade II post in non-Secretariat Organizations were modified on 18.05.2010 wherein all Ministries/Departments were requested to amend the entries pertaining to Skill Test Norms prescribed in the Col. 8 of the Model RRs for the post of Stenographer Grade II by including the Skill Test Norms ‘only on computers’.
OM No: No. AB-14017/8/2010-Estt(RR) Dated: 18/5/2010
3.3 Model RRs for Stenographer posts [Stenographer Grade I, Private Secretary, Senior Private Secretary (Group B posts)] in non-Secretariat Organizations have been issued on 24.01.2011.
OM No: No. AB-14017/8/2010-Estt.(RR) Dated: 24/1/2011
4. Model Recruitment Rules for Group C posts in Pay Band-1, with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- (pre-revised Group D posts) have been issued on 30.04.2010.
OM No: No. AB-14017/6/2009-Estt (RR) Dated: 30/4/2010
5. Model RRs for the post of Upper Division Clerk have been issued on 29.12.2010.
OM No: No. AB-14017/32/2009-Estt(RR) Dated: 29/12/2010
6. Model Recruitment Rules for the various categories of Group A and Group B posts in the Library Discipline have been issued on 28.03.2013.
OM No: No. AB-14017/54/2005-Estt.(RR) Dated: 28/3/2013
7. Model RRs for the posts of Administrative Officer (Group A&B) have been issued on 16.08.2013.
OM No: AB-14017/18/2012-Estt.(RR) Dated: 16/8/2013
8. Model Recruitment Rules for the various posts in Official Language Cadre for Subordinate Offices have been issued on 19.09.2013.
OM No: No.AB-14017/46/2011-Estt(RR) Dated: 19/9/2013
9.1. Model Recruitment Rules for the various posts of Accounts Cadre have been issued on 31.10.2013.
OM No: No. AB-14017/32/2012-Estt. (RR) Dated: 31/10/2013
9.2. It was clarified on 18.11.2013 that Model Recruitment Rules for the post of Junior Accounts Officer/Accountant referred to in O.M. dated 31.10.2013 have been issued in respect of those posts which have pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 1640-2900 (as per 4th CPC which has been subsequently revised to Rs. 5500-9000 on implementation of 5th CPC) and accordingly, the Model RRs have been issued in PB-2 and GP-Rs. 4200. These Model RRs are not applicable for those posts of accountant which were in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 4500-7000 revised to PB-1, GP-Rs. 2800.
OM No: No. AB-14017/32/2012-Estt.(RR) Dated: 18/11/2013
10.1 Model Recruitment Rules for the various Group A and Group B posts in Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Cadre have been issued on 30.05.2014.
OM No: No. AB-14017/2/2011-Estt (RR) Dated: 30/5/2014
10.2 Model Recruitment Rules for the various Group A and Group B posts in Electronic Data Processing (EDP) were revised on 10.12.2014 wherein it was decided to re-designate posts indicated in the Model RRs dated 30.5.2014 to further align the designation of merged posts with revised pay.
OM No: No. AB-14017/2/2011-Estt.(RR) Dated: 10/12/2014
11. Model Recruitment Rules for the Staff Car Driver category of posts have been issued on 04.07.2014.
OM No: No. AB-14017/10/2014-Estt. (RR) Dated: 4/7/2014
12. Model RRs for the Storekeeping staff category of posts have been revised on 16.01.2015.
OM No: No. AB-14017/11/2014-Estt. (RR) Dated: 16/1/2015
13. Model Recruitment Rules for the post of Labour Officer/Labour Welfare Officer have been issued on 09.03.2016.
OM No: No. AB-14017/35/2013-Estt. (RR) Dated: 9/3/2016
14. Model Recruitment Rules for the various categories of posts in the Draughtsman cadre have been issued on 09.01.2017.
OM No: AB-14017/7/2013-Estt(RR) Dated: 9/1/2017
For Reference: Comparative Sheet indicating the pay scales/Grade Pay as per 6th CPC and Levels in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC is Annexed.
(Source: Resolution No. 1-2/2016-IC,CCS (RP) Rules,2016 as notified on 25.7.2016)
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US (LE & RR)
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