Merger of TC Staff, CC & ECRC – continuance of intake of Commercial Apprentices

Commercial Apprentices – Merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) & Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC)

(रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD)


New Delhi, dated November 23, 2022

The General Secretary,
VY 4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110 055.

The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi – 110 055.

Dear Sirs,

Sub: Merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) & Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC) – continuance of intake of Commercial Apprentices – reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to draft record note of discussion held on 09.02.2022 (copy enclosed) on the above mentioned subject and to state that the matter has been further examined in consultation with the Commercial Directorate and the Zonal Railways. It has been noticed that the cadre of CMI is merged on certain Railways, while in other, it is not merged. In view of this there may be difficulty in implementing the provisions as contained in the Record Note of discussion dated 09.02.2022.

After reconsideration of the matter, the following proposal has been framed in consultation with the Commercial Directorate:-

(i) Cadre of Commercial Inspector may be merged with Chief Commercial-cum-ticket Clerk on the same lines as in the case of Traffic Inspector enabling inter-operability between the cadre of Commercial Inspector and the cadre of Chief Commercial-cum- ticket Clerk in Level-6.

(ii) DR at Level-5 may be abolished.

(iii) Educational Qualification for DR in Level-6 may be kept as Graduation.

Draft AVC as per the above proposal is sent herewith. Views of the two recognized federations, i.e. AIRF and NFIR are solicited on the above proposal.

Yours faithfully,

for Pr. Executive Director (IR)
Railway Board


Merger of TC Staff, CC & ECRC

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