Consolidated guidelines on Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) for Central Secretariat Service
No. 21/19/2022-CS.I(P)
Ministry of Personnel, Pension and Public Grievances
Department of Personnel and Training
Government of India
Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 2nd November, 2022
Sub: Consolidated guidelines on Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) for Central Secretariat Service – Regarding.
The Central Secretariat Service (CSS) is managed centrally in CS.I Division of Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) for all matters relating to appointment, promotion, posting/transfer etc. CSS provides a permanent bureaucratic setup in the Central Secretariat and officers of the service provide continuity in the Central Secretariat. As a part of the cadre management, the officers of the Service can be posted to any Ministry/Department under Central Secretariat and other offices participating in CSS in Delhi and also located outside Delhi.
2. In order to manage transfer/ posting of the officers of the CSS in a definite framework, a Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) has been in existence for quite some time. As various amendments in the policy have since been made at different times, it is felt to consolidate the same and accordingly, the consolidated guidelines with certain amendments on RTP in CSS have been drawn up and annexed herewith for information and compliance.
(P.B. Sahu)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
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